Denny Stevens Fredericktown Invitational 2016

Fredericktown, OH
Hosted by Fredericktown

Denny Stevens Fredericktown Invitational 2016 vs Denny Stevens Fredericktown Invitational 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +179 479 300
Overall Average -27.24 23:03.53 23:30.78
1st-10th Place -55.13 17:01.03 17:56.16
1st-25th Place -39.25 17:35.84 18:15.09
1st-50th Place -36.82 18:10.60 18:47.42
1st-100th Place -53.18 18:47.29 19:40.47
Common Athletes -- -- 68
Ran Faster -18 26 44
Ran Season Best 3 9 6
Average Time +6.09 22:39.63 22:33.53
Median Time +34.83 22:15.13 21:40.30
Middle 80% Times +7.20 22:34.56 22:27.36
Top 10% Times +37.40 18:10.52 17:33.13
Top 25% Times +38.32 19:04.61 18:26.29
Top 50% Times +28.61 20:08.67 19:40.06
Bottom 50% Times -16.42 25:10.58 25:27.00
Bottom 25% Times -37.17 26:48.21 27:25.38
Bottom 10% Times -48.99 28:24.26 29:13.25
Average Difference +7.05 -- --
Median Difference -1:20.31 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +14.47 -- --
Top 10% Difference +37.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference +33.52 -- --
Top 25% Difference +41.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +33.52 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -18.43 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -19.39 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:29.31 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Gavin Shindeldecker Lucas -17.86 16:50.30 17:08.16
Clay Reynolds Mans. Christian +29.50 17:41.45 17:11.95
Paden Spencer Fredericktown +36.60 17:59.60 17:23.00
Connor Riley Fredericktown +1:43.98 19:07.04 17:23.06
Jack Stalnaker Fredericktown +39.65 18:22.89 17:43.24
Christopher Pinnick Ridgedale +50.38 18:50.50 18:00.12
Noah Stephens Mount Vernon +19.54 18:21.89 18:02.35
Ethan Dudgeon Fredericktown +1:02.19 19:18.77 18:16.58
Nathan Whitney East Knox +44.43 19:16.94 18:32.51
Roghan Roddy Fredericktown +36.55 19:22.98 18:46.43
Chase Orndoff Hartley +1:23.87 20:12.16 18:48.29
Sy Shipman Mount Gilead +42.28 19:37.20 18:54.92
Bruce Jordan Mar. Highland +56.60 20:18.41 19:21.81
Zachary Wetzel Mar. Highland +27.73 19:51.56 19:23.83
Connor Page Mount Gilead +25.78 19:49.64 19:23.86
Christopher Wolf Hartley +1:04.90 20:35.81 19:30.91
Clayton Lust Ridgedale +14.69 19:50.65 19:35.96
Sarah Thatcher Centerburg -1:34.41 19:39.57 21:13.98
Pierce Jordan Utica +45.75 20:28.36 19:42.61
Brett Homman Utica +58.52 20:45.37 19:46.85
Nicole Groseclose Fredericktown +52.75 20:56.20 20:03.45
Emma Hinkle Loudonville -58.01 20:05.29 21:03.30
Dreanna Perry Centerburg +2:03.08 22:15.13 20:12.05
Matt Talty Utica +50.32 21:12.78 20:22.46
Elise Tucker Centerburg -1:03.25 20:36.47 21:39.72
Dawson Whittaker Marion Harding +1:01.00 21:53.22 20:52.22
Nefiano Bumpus Mar. Highland +1:01.92 21:57.52 20:55.60
Anthony Carwse Loudonville +40.96 21:41.48 21:00.52
Bailee Zacovic Hartley -1:39.14 21:06.36 22:45.50
Seth Rhodes Loudonville +43.01 21:49.61 21:06.60
Patrick Scurlock Hartley -10.34 21:12.72 21:23.06
Isaac Pfeiffer Lucas +13.32 21:27.41 21:14.09
Miranda Baker Fredericktown -1:20.31 21:24.80 22:45.11
Charlie Mayville Mount Vernon +14.81 21:41.78 21:26.97
Chance Campbell Fredericktown -1:45.41 21:28.07 23:13.48
Nick Johnson Mount Vernon +4:19.83 25:54.36 21:34.53
Aeryn Walters Centerburg +1:01.13 22:38.20 21:37.07
Sammy Maglott Fredericktown +2:51.24 24:31.54 21:40.30
Greta Buckenburger Utica -1:47.04 22:17.58 24:04.62
Hanna Sims Mount Vernon -2:01.54 22:27.11 24:28.65
Brooke Barnes Ash. Crestview +54.67 23:24.49 22:29.82
Kate Sheely Hartley -31.67 22:40.84 23:12.51
Cara Luallen Hartley +24.29 23:11.53 22:47.24
Emma Dickoff Centerburg +1:43.92 24:36.09 22:52.17
Trey Lehnhart Lucas -6.51 22:59.09 23:05.60
Gabe Farthing John. Northridge +3:09.48 26:25.61 23:16.13
Hannah Kitsmiller Hartley -9.22 23:23.33 23:32.55
Molly Smith Fredericktown -1:41.09 23:26.28 25:07.37
Jadyn Shipman Mount Gilead -1:40.26 23:44.40 25:24.66
Emma Kitsmiller Hartley +1:09.15 25:26.60 24:17.45
Kate Wheeler Centerburg -29.29 24:38.08 25:07.37
Carrie Hodge Marion Harding -1:41.01 24:39.15 26:20.16
Isabelle Wolford Centerburg -42.58 24:40.28 25:22.86
Kaelyn Fox Fredericktown +5.03 24:47.04 24:42.01
Meghan Foos Mount Vernon +10.33 24:56.51 24:46.18
Madeline Hamilton Mansfield Senior -3:06.24 24:47.52 27:53.76
Claire Lust Ridgedale -3:37.19 25:05.59 28:42.78
Taylynn Morningstar East Knox -13.01 25:10.51 25:23.52
Maureen Roddy Fredericktown +24.99 26:25.05 26:00.06
Kari Messersmith Ash. Crestview +1:57.69 28:00.94 26:03.25
Phoenix Houseworth Marion Harding -39.34 26:13.17 26:52.51
Clarissa Dudgeon Mar. Highland -4:56.32 26:24.87 31:21.19
Nichelle Miller Ridgedale -1:39.70 26:49.60 28:29.30
Kaylie Umfleet Fredericktown -1:36.95 26:52.78 28:29.73
Jason Roser John. Northridge +1:01.22 28:11.77 27:10.55
Allie Weisman Lucas -2:06.56 27:35.14 29:41.70
Lydia Grandstaff Centerburg +1:20.27 30:04.59 28:44.32
Dakota Shipman Mount Gilead +2:11.27 31:14.98 29:03.71