Washington CH Cross The Creek Invitational 2018 vs Washington CH Cross The Creek Invitational 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -99 219 318
Overall Average -41.43 23:45.67 24:27.10
1st-10th Place -15.79 17:13.30 17:29.09
1st-25th Place -23.05 17:47.92 18:10.97
1st-50th Place -21.99 18:32.64 18:54.63
1st-100th Place -3.95 19:58.29 20:02.24
Common Athletes -- -- 49
Ran Faster -7 21 28
Ran Season Best 1 4 3
Average Time +18.68 22:29.58 22:10.89
Median Time +36.54 21:56.00 21:19.46
Middle 80% Times +23.34 22:21.68 21:58.34
Top 10% Times +3.06 17:23.40 17:20.34
Top 25% Times +15.67 18:15.55 17:59.88
Top 50% Times +26.97 19:38.60 19:11.64
Bottom 50% Times +9.66 24:26.56 24:16.91
Bottom 25% Times -4.91 27:21.38 27:26.29
Bottom 10% Times -21.01 29:43.80 30:04.81
Average Difference +18.68 -- --
Median Difference +20.39 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +22.86 -- --
Top 10% Difference +5.68 -- --
Top 50% Difference +23.55 -- --
Top 25% Difference +5.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference +23.55 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +13.89 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +12.20 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -51.57 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ethan Wallis Cedarville +1.79 16:38.00 16:36.21
Trent Koning Cedarville -52.40 16:54.00 17:46.40
Cohen Frost Lee. Fairfield +32.87 17:30.00 16:57.13
Bo Little Miami Trace +2:16.48 19:55.00 17:38.52
Drew Mason Cedarville +24.52 18:09.00 17:44.48
Payton Herron Cedarville +21.64 18:07.00 17:45.36
Brian Boston Marysville +24.10 18:10.00 17:45.90
Riley Karnes Marysville -43.56 17:48.00 18:31.56
Dawson Osborn Lynchburg-Clay +3:18.86 21:25.00 18:06.14
Blake Haines Lee. Fairfield -8.45 18:25.10 18:33.55
Caleb Brannigan Miami Trace -24.94 18:26.00 18:50.94
Jack Flanagan Marysville +3:14.27 21:43.00 18:28.73
Mcale Callahan Miami Trace -12.79 19:05.00 19:17.79
Karson Runk WCH Washington +1:50.51 21:04.00 19:13.49
Brant Haines Lee. Fairfield +1.25 19:17.00 19:15.75
Ben Kinsinger Cedarville -30.37 19:23.00 19:53.37
Zach Paliga Marysville -1:45.23 19:30.00 21:15.23
Connor Bucher Miami Trace -1:39.94 19:37.00 21:16.94
Lyle White McClain +1:03.92 20:59.00 19:55.08
Justin Arnold East Clinton +1:30.00 21:27.00 19:57.00
Katie Krueger Marysville +11.33 20:49.00 20:37.67
Dylan King Gr. City Chr. +2:03.24 22:42.10 20:38.86
Zachary Vest East Clinton +1:50.28 22:58.00 21:07.72
Fletcher Havens Miami Trace +5:45.34 27:03.00 21:17.66
Cloe Copas WCH Washington +36.54 21:56.00 21:19.46
Bryce Blaney Paint Valley +10.64 21:36.00 21:25.36
Paul Bliss McClain -1:12.12 21:35.00 22:47.12
Luke Bliss McClain -12.67 21:37.00 21:49.67
Garett George McClain +20.39 22:16.00 21:55.61
Austin Bentz Marysville +2:03.23 24:14.00 22:10.77
Van Frye East Clinton -1:56.93 22:17.00 24:13.93
Raelynn Ruble Lynchburg-Clay +9.71 22:34.00 22:24.29
Samantha Bigham Cedarville +53.85 23:41.00 22:47.15
Carah Anteck East Clinton -4.69 23:37.00 23:41.69
Jacob Yockey Winc. Eastern -9.27 23:37.00 23:46.27
Anna Davis Lee. Fairfield -1:06.63 23:38.00 24:44.63
Elizabeth Dunham Cedarville +17.57 23:57.00 23:39.43
Mason Reichman McClain +3:56.49 27:50.00 23:53.51
Gavin Cox Lee. Fairfield +1:42.31 25:40.00 23:57.69
Orrie Friend Lee. Fairfield -1:56.40 24:09.00 26:05.40
Emily Price Lee. Fairfield -51.17 24:22.00 25:13.17
Abi Tarwater Cedarville +20.47 24:53.00 24:32.53
Kiara Miller Paint Valley -3:50.70 25:57.00 29:47.70
Kenton Deaton East Clinton -3:51.16 27:00.00 30:51.16
Mia Moats WCH Washington -1:31.03 27:54.00 29:25.03
Carley Smith Paint Valley -29.59 28:08.00 28:37.59
Luke Rader WCH Washington -2:38.32 28:36.00 31:14.32
Josh Brown Lee. Fairfield +4:47.17 33:40.00 28:52.83
Mckenzie Anderson Paint Valley +1:15.15 30:21.00 29:05.85