Knox Morrow Athletic Conference Championships 2019 vs Knox Morrow Athletic Conference Championships 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +21 177 156
Overall Average -18.90 21:27.85 21:46.75
1st-10th Place -7.97 16:28.76 16:36.74
1st-25th Place -8.18 17:09.61 17:17.79
1st-50th Place -11.51 17:50.90 18:02.41
1st-100th Place -36.03 18:58.11 19:34.14
Common Athletes -- -- 87
Ran Faster -19 34 53
Ran Season Best -14 39 53
Average Time +9.37 21:09.93 21:00.55
Median Time -4.19 20:21.54 20:25.73
Middle 80% Times +11.65 21:03.35 20:51.70
Top 10% Times +18.24 16:50.89 16:32.64
Top 25% Times +24.63 17:42.57 17:17.94
Top 50% Times +16.73 18:36.94 18:20.20
Bottom 50% Times +1.80 23:14.05 23:12.25
Bottom 25% Times +11.06 25:37.57 25:26.51
Bottom 10% Times -17.63 26:50.68 27:08.31
Average Difference +9.37 -- --
Median Difference +1:38.26 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +12.19 -- --
Top 10% Difference +18.15 -- --
Top 50% Difference +21.94 -- --
Top 25% Difference +23.15 -- --
Top 50% Difference +21.94 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1.17 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4.13 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -16.38 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Thomas Caputo Fredericktown +8.56 15:54.09 15:45.53
Mason White Cardington-Lincoln -0.07 16:02.91 16:02.98
Brett Shipman Mount Gilead +5.49 16:24.88 16:19.39
Joel Roberts Mar. Highland +1:25.12 17:51.50 16:26.38
Hunter Bolton Mar. Highland +56.17 17:24.31 16:28.14
Titus Krabill Fredericktown +28.77 17:00.37 16:31.60
Evan France Fredericktown -22.21 16:35.34 16:57.55
Blake Johnson Centerburg +21.97 17:30.76 17:08.79
Samuel Whitney East Knox +39.32 17:52.75 17:13.43
Grant Shrimplin Fredericktown +1:19.64 18:33.20 17:13.56
Nathan Streby East Knox -49.99 17:15.69 18:05.68
Alex Hayden Centerburg +50.91 18:18.71 17:27.80
Lucas Weaver Northmor +1:28.61 18:57.13 17:28.52
Kooper Keen Northmor -20.46 17:29.63 17:50.09
Xavier Platt Fredericktown +26.78 17:57.32 17:30.54
Caleb Wetzel Mar. Highland +21.09 17:58.86 17:37.77
Connor Radojcsics Northmor +28.38 18:15.78 17:47.40
Mike Rose Cardington-Lincoln +57.96 18:50.39 17:52.43
Owen Krabil Fredericktown +1:01.51 19:00.92 17:59.41
Peyton Hogg Fredericktown +1:54.43 19:57.20 18:02.77
Kaleb Meade Cardington-Lincoln -12.60 18:05.11 18:17.71
Travis Thomas Centerburg -20.37 18:06.92 18:27.29
Corban Benedict Mar. Highland -25.39 18:28.30 18:53.69
T.j Diehl Northmor +35.35 19:07.88 18:32.53
Austin Henthorn Cardington-Lincoln +1:41.76 20:14.58 18:32.82
Grath Garee Mar. Highland +39.26 19:18.89 18:39.63
Ethan Honzo Mount Gilead -22.94 18:45.79 19:08.73
Emily Hanft Mount Gilead +1:06.86 19:54.66 18:47.80
Loey Hallabrin Cardington-Lincoln -13.91 18:53.98 19:07.89
Philip Emberg Mount Gilead -19.83 18:54.65 19:14.48
Xavier Comer Fredericktown -3:24.30 18:55.99 22:20.29
Camberly Schade Mar. Highland -45.06 18:59.44 19:44.50
Dylan Melick Centerburg +2.32 19:03.05 19:00.73
Tyler Knight Mount Gilead -1:00.81 19:08.53 20:09.34
Avery Tucker Centerburg -1:02.71 19:09.54 20:12.25
Evan Hogg Fredericktown +49.11 20:01.52 19:12.41
Isaiah Kohl East Knox +1:01.13 20:15.14 19:14.01
Elsa Hoam Fredericktown +53.59 20:07.75 19:14.16
Devin Gheen Cardington-Lincoln +20.07 19:35.70 19:15.63
Seamus Walsh Mount Gilead +26.32 19:45.93 19:19.61
Bradley Butcher Mount Gilead -4.81 19:21.18 19:25.99
Silas Hoam Fredericktown -5:13.92 19:30.75 24:44.67
Abigail Dickhof Centerburg +1:38.26 21:17.08 19:38.82
Caleb Sheriff Fredericktown -2:42.10 19:46.72 22:28.82
Jed Adams Northmor +28.26 20:31.45 20:03.19
Morgan White Cardington-Lincoln +1:29.77 21:50.09 20:20.32
Natalie Vanmeter Fredericktown -34.54 20:21.54 20:56.08
Colt Hedrick Mount Gilead +24.03 20:49.76 20:25.73
Mia White Mar. Highland +58.77 21:28.15 20:29.38
Mason Kidwell Mount Gilead -2:42.80 20:46.34 23:29.14
Lauren Johnson Northmor -29.02 20:56.10 21:25.12
James Hallabrin Cardington-Lincoln -24.89 20:56.56 21:21.45
Riley Johnson Northmor -18.63 21:06.26 21:24.89
Julia Kanagy Northmor +11.91 21:21.13 21:09.22
Sadie Sanders Fredericktown -2:18.38 21:11.46 23:29.84
Hazel Jolliff Cardington-Lincoln +2:13.06 23:37.82 21:24.76
Lauren Garber Mar. Highland -17.41 21:25.05 21:42.46
Oliver Griffith Centerburg +3:05.46 24:37.01 21:31.55
Jade Disbennett Mar. Highland +2.08 21:37.58 21:35.50
Olivia Goodson Northmor -1:21.00 21:46.54 23:07.54
Ryan Clinger Cardington-Lincoln +1:30.64 23:25.14 21:54.50
Rebecca Scholl Centerburg +27.47 22:25.08 21:57.61
Josh Rashley Fredericktown +53.93 23:06.26 22:12.33
Isaiah Vanslyke Fredericktown +2:16.17 24:41.80 22:25.63
Elijah Carter East Knox +42.16 23:19.88 22:37.72
Marlo Young Cardington-Lincoln -3:16.75 22:45.73 26:02.48
Emilee Jordan Northmor +1.29 22:48.27 22:46.98
Maddison Yaussy Northmor +1:09.52 24:09.32 22:59.80
Sydney Kelley Northmor +2:58.19 26:22.40 23:24.21
Brice Moodispaugh Cardington-Lincoln +2:13.56 25:40.31 23:26.75
Karley Wallace Mount Gilead +17.29 23:50.16 23:32.87
Destiny Blubaugh Fredericktown +1:50.50 25:25.00 23:34.50
Madison Howard Mar. Highland -1:47.55 23:52.05 25:39.60
Kelly Sapp Fredericktown +2:04.66 25:57.83 23:53.17
Nick Mcvay East Knox +3:00.32 27:11.49 24:11.17
Katie Baker Fredericktown -32.20 24:19.02 24:51.22
Cecilia Carlisle Centerburg +1:23.10 25:42.96 24:19.86
Kennedy Fisher Fredericktown +2:24.53 27:05.42 24:40.89
Karstyn Walters Centerburg -49.57 24:46.74 25:36.31
Shelby Conley Mar. Highland -4:01.66 24:50.00 28:51.66
Sam West Cardington-Lincoln -1:53.20 24:51.39 26:44.59
Owen Merriman Centerburg -13.38 25:24.70 25:38.08
Haley Dille Northmor -1:11.30 25:45.00 26:56.30
Carissa Vanslyke Fredericktown +53.61 26:41.02 25:47.41
Jayson Herbst Fredericktown +11.30 27:17.75 27:06.45
Rachel Patterson Fredericktown -1:56.48 27:25.87 29:22.35
Ashley Cockrell Fredericktown +5.42 27:49.36 27:43.94