Cedarville High School XC Invitational 2020

Cedarville, OH
Hosted by Cedarville
Timing/Results FinishTiming

Athlete Entries

Boys 139 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cain, Jack Spr. Shawnee
King, Bradyn East Dayton Christian
Bond, AJ Franklin Monroe
Simeon, Jefferson East Dayton Christian
Garber, Ethan Franklin Monroe
Hartong, Nathan East Dayton Christian
McCombs, Maxwell West Liberty-Salem
Agnew, Kevin 15:47.70 Carroll
Wallis, Ethan 16:07.10 Cedarville
Lauck, Dylan 16:09.00 West Liberty-Salem
Dillavou, Jordyn 16:26.30 Spr. Shawnee
Koning, Trent 16:27.50 Cedarville
Yoder, Tate 16:29.41 West Liberty-Salem
Hoover, Ben 16:40.70 Newton Local
Spinner, Josh 16:41.50 West Liberty-Salem
Maxwell, Drew 17:08.42 Carroll
Sultan, Caleb 17:19.00 Cedarville
Via, Owen 17:19.10 Newton Local
Agnew, Jack 17:20.00 Carroll
Herron, Payton 17:24.85 Cedarville
Schiffler, Nathan 17:25.00 Carroll
Tivakaran, Seth 17:27.00 Carroll
Arnold, Logan 17:27.20 Carroll
Kennedy, Hayden 17:31.40 West Liberty-Salem
Mason, Drew 17:37.72 Cedarville
Faulkner, Chapman 17:39.00 East Dayton Christian
Duckro, Michael 17:51.70 Carroll
Hendricks, Samuel 17:52.02 Day. Christian
Root, Dominic 17:52.60 Spr. Northwestern
Thompson, Seth 17:53 Day. Christian
Estep, Ayden 17:54.30 West Liberty-Salem
Schafer, Noah 18:06.70 Spr. Shawnee
Morrow, Patrick 18:10.60 Carroll
Everding, Hayden 18:12.20 Carroll
Gatchell, Aidan 18:13.90 Hardin Northern
Anguiano, Christian 18:16.30 Carroll
O'brien, Dylan 18:18.40 Spr. Shawnee
Kiess, Jonah 18:25.00 Spr. Shawnee
Cross, Adam 18:29.80 Carroll
Harrison, Owen 18:30.20 West Liberty-Salem
Maurice, Ian 18:32.20 West Liberty-Salem
Sableski, Patrick 18:33.00 Carroll
Shellenberger, Clint 18:36.20 Newton Local
Bailey, Rhet 18:36.20 Day. Christian
Jones, Michael 18:48.90 West Liberty-Salem
Sargent, Jared 18:50.95 Carroll
Moore, Jacob 18:51.40 Newton Local
Kinsinger, Ben 18:51.50 Cedarville
Powers, Zeke 18:51.90 Greeneview
Ingle, Robert 18:54.52 Newton Local
Hosler, Brendan 19:00.51 Franklin Monroe
Geis, Nathaniel 19:00.90 Day. Christian
Parsell, Brant 19:07.50 Indian Lake
Withers, Ethan 19:08.02 Day. Christian
Hines, Xavier 19:08.90 Spr. Shawnee
Hamilton, Andrew 19:19.54 Day. Christian
Rimkus, Logan 19:23.50 Day. Christian
Stacy, Micah 19:24.10 Franklin Monroe
Moerch, Michael 19:25.30 Spr. Northwestern
Parsell, Brody 19:27.60 Indian Lake
Shafer, Kenny 19:28.10 Madison-Plains
Laroche, Adam 19:33.50 West Liberty-Salem
Reynolds, Sam 19:38.10 Day. Christian
Wilson, Zeb 19:38.20 Hardin Northern
Ormsbee, Ben 19:39.90 Cedarville
Gaines, Bruce 19:41.73 East Dayton Christian
Smith, John 19:45.20 Spr. Northwestern
Manor, Brenden 19:51.10 Greeneview
McCoy, Lansen 19:51.20 Spr. Shawnee
Tucker, Dylan 19:52.00 Franklin Monroe
Wallis, Isaac 19:57.60 Cedarville
Yount, Cason 19:59.44 Franklin Monroe
Byers, Jayce 20:09.80 Franklin Monroe
Moats, Landen 20:12.00 East Dayton Christian
Huhn, Jacob 20:12.10 Indian Lake
LaRoche, Joey 20:15.30 West Liberty-Salem
Wilson, Vincent 20:15.50 Indian Lake
Faulkner, Jayson Sr E 20:17.50 East Dayton Christian
Stephens, Draven 20:21.90 Franklin Monroe
Doughman, Roger 20:24.50 Madison-Plains
Blankley, Sam 20:25.50 Spr. Northwestern
Eikenberry, Clay 20:27.70 Franklin Monroe
Powers, Samuel 20:29.80 Greeneview
Curtin, Nick 20:30.50 East Dayton Christian
Wilson, Luke 20:35.74 Hardin Northern
Schmitmeyer, Mitchell 20:37.20 Franklin Monroe
Henry, Ryan 20:37.30 West Liberty-Salem
McPherson, Grant 20:38.90 Indian Lake
Beres, Mason 20:40.00 Indian Lake
Peters, Cade 20:40.10 Franklin Monroe
Wilson, Heath 20:40.30 Indian Lake
Miller, Hayden 20:40.40 West Liberty-Salem
Powers, Max 20:53.00 Greeneview
Moore, Ben 21:02.40 Cedarville
Baise, Jack 21:05.80 Cedarville
Bigham, Eli 21:19.60 Cedarville
Davis, Nathaniel 21:21.14 Franklin Monroe
Barger, Mason 21:30.60 West Liberty-Salem
Dirlam, Nathan 21:38.10 Spr. Northwestern
Cummins, Tony 21:42.90 Indian Lake
Figel, Carson 21:44.70 Franklin Monroe
Ferguson, Reece 21:46.50 Cedarville
Freeman, Preston 21:48.20 Spr. Shawnee
Bailey , Abram 21:49.00 Day. Christian
Ebert, Aaron 21:50.60 Day. Christian
Trachsel, Leif 21:51.40 Hardin Northern
Reynolds, Nathaniel 22:11.45 Day. Christian
Finfrock, Dawson 22:12.80 Indian Lake
Diller, Jacob 22:17.50 Hardin Northern
Fee, Ethan 22:19.10 Franklin Monroe
Sease, Dean 22:20.71 Franklin Monroe
Ishmael, Koen 22:27.15 Day. Christian
Neitzelt, Conner 23:03.00 Franklin Monroe
Diller, Jonah 23:07.30 Hardin Northern
McPherson, Ayden 23:09.10 Madison-Plains
Wilson, Adam 23:12.40 Franklin Monroe
Ishmael, Jack 23:20.90 Day. Christian
Cook, Dylan 23:26.70 Cedarville
Baker, Morgan 23:29.10 Franklin Monroe
Travis, Riddel 23:48.42 Day. Christian
Rohrer, Clayton 23:53.88 Day. Christian
Longenecker, Gabe 24:01.90 Franklin Monroe
Kocher, Aidan 24:07.70 Spr. Shawnee
Mills, Hunter 24:08.10 Franklin Monroe
Addis, Blake 24:22.40 Franklin Monroe
Little, Braden 24:23.30 Spr. Cath. Cent.
Fisher, Evan 24:30.50 Madison-Plains
Green, Logan 24:31.20 East Dayton Christian
Tucker, Gavin 24:34.30 Franklin Monroe
Rohrer, Logan 24:40.10 Day. Christian
Pyles, Philip 25:59.20 East Dayton Christian
Fowle, Chris 26:43.60 East Dayton Christian
Trucksis, Dalton 26:48.10 Newton Local
Vannus, Luke 27:37.60 Newton Local
Luchini, Aidan 27:46.30 Franklin Monroe
Eikenberry, Lane 29:46.10 Franklin Monroe
Marshall, Thomas 30:30.30 Spr. Shawnee
Neace, Matthew 30:48.80 East Dayton Christian
Woodruff, Carl 37:53.50 Hardin Northern
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Girls 120 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aslinger, Hallie Franklin Monroe
Earwood, Elli Franklin Monroe
Ross, Alysha East Dayton Christian
Butler, Aeris Franklin Monroe
Duncan, Molly Hardin Northern
Webb, Emma Spr. Northwestern
Martin, Ka' Leah East Dayton Christian
Kellems, Zoe Franklin Monroe
Miller, Abigail Spr. Northwestern
Carney, Eva Indian Lake
Selm, Grace Spr. Cath. Cent.
DeSantis, Audrey 18:23.30 Spr. Shawnee
Adams, Megan 18:41.90 West Liberty-Salem
Stapleton, Katelyn 18:48.57 West Liberty-Salem
McAuley, Addison 19:27.80 West Liberty-Salem
Bahan, Madison 19:46.90 West Liberty-Salem
Holcomb, Tessa 20:06.00 Spr. Shawnee
Ochs, Sarah 20:07.81 Carroll
Coe, Elly 20:08.40 Cedarville
Klemmensen, Abigail 20:27.55 Spr. Shawnee
Bertemes, Lily 20:33.50 Southeastern - South Charleston
Blake, Brianna 20:35.71 Day. Christian
Yoder, Ashley 20:48.00 West Liberty-Salem
Braun, Grace 20:59.40 Carroll
Raber, Trinity 21:01.41 Carroll
Miller, KaiLea 21:02.20 Indian Lake
Sparks, Chloe 21:03.70 Indian Lake
Wagner, Ella 21:06.90 Indian Lake
Davis, Maggie 21:24.08 West Liberty-Salem
Sanders, Meredith 21:27.60 Carroll
Little, Madison 21:28.60 Spr. Northwestern
Yoder, Tate 21:28.90 West Liberty-Salem
Tarwater, Rachel 21:33.38 Cedarville
Henderson, Maria 21:34.67 West Liberty-Salem
Ferriman, Isabella 21:40.70 Day. Christian
Shephard, Abigail 21:44.00 Cedarville
Lyday, Madison 21:50.30 Spr. Northwestern
Richardson, Elayna 21:58.60 Indian Lake
Burchett, Amy 22:00.70 Madison-Plains
Mock, Sophie 22:11.00 Carroll
Bigham, Samantha 22:14.47 Cedarville
Smith, Lily 22:14.70 West Liberty-Salem
Kennedy, Taylor 22:14.80 West Liberty-Salem
Werner, Madi 22:17.00 Carroll
Brookey, Zoe 22:19.00 Franklin Monroe
Metzger, Hannah 22:23.80 Indian Lake
Cook, Aleena 22:26.00 Cedarville
Duncan, Lola 22:26.30 Hardin Northern
Wells, Deborah 22:26.90 Indian Lake
Dunham, Elizabeth 22:36.43 Cedarville
Yontz, Kayley 22:41.50 Spr. Northwestern
Malicki, Tori 22:42.80 Spr. Shawnee
Wahl, Rachel 22:48.31 Indian Lake
Poor, Maggie 22:51.40 Carroll
Wells, Erika 22:54.20 Indian Lake
Shupert, Jenna 22:56.00 Day. Christian
White, Rachel 23:00.48 Cedarville
Jones, Bailey 23:04.41 Greeneview
Pyles, Sarah 23:05.10 East Dayton Christian
Boehmer, Natalie 23:05.28 Spr. Northwestern
Rogers, Impreza 23:09.40 Spr. Shawnee
Towle, Kelsey 23:14.66 Day. Christian
Duenas-Diaz, Nataly 23:20.20 Carroll
Christian, Alyssa 23:22.50 Spr. Northwestern
Tarwater, Abi 23:37.30 Cedarville
Mark, Anna 23:43.20 Cedarville
Hosler, Avery 23:47.80 Franklin Monroe
Sableski, Nora 23:48.50 Carroll
Longshore, Claire 23:52.80 West Liberty-Salem
Bahan, Kenzie 23:57.40 West Liberty-Salem
Smith, Dani 24:12.40 West Liberty-Salem
Farmer, Gracie 24:12.85 Madison-Plains
Miller, Andi 24:13.60 Indian Lake
Olson, Lexi 24:21.18 Franklin Monroe
Noss, Abigail 24:25.30 Carroll
Knupp, Mackenzie 24:28.48 Newton Local
Stanley, Ace 24:33.20 Spr. Northwestern
Bete, Grace 24:33.30 Carroll
Nickel, Carlie 24:35.40 Indian Lake
Wagner, Hannah 24:43.20 Carroll
Cook, Makailey 24:53.20 Hardin Northern
Ross, Esther 25:04.96 Day. Christian
Sitzman, Trinity 25:05.80 Franklin Monroe
Warren, Teagen 25:13.37 Day. Christian
Skujins, Rebecca 25:15.25 Day. Christian
Wygal, Izzy 25:17.10 West Liberty-Salem
Prack, Anna 25:17.50 Spr. Northwestern
Wethington, Emma 25:25.10 Madison-Plains
Blatz, Isabelle 25:29.70 Day. Christian
Ballard, Zoe 25:46.70 Spr. Shawnee
Saunders, Kierra 25:53.40 Indian Lake
Ilges, Kallie 25:55.10 Spr. Northwestern
Baise, Emma 26:05.30 Cedarville
Brocious, Jessica 26:06.10 Franklin Monroe
Kira, Noel 26:11.90 Cedarville
Sampson, Sara 26:32.50 Madison-Plains
Ruhlen, Mara 26:46.56 Hardin Northern
Newland, Katelyn 26:50.50 Spr. Northwestern
Campbell, Kieren 27:14.70 Cedarville
Fair, Josie 27:16.19 Day. Christian
Wilson, Sydney 27:28.00 Spr. Shawnee
Hayes, Kensie 28:15.30 Spr. Northwestern
Cooper, Olivia 28:37.90 Spr. Northwestern
Conover, Hannah 28:46.50 Cedarville
Brielmaier, Phoebe 29:16.90 Indian Lake
Fowle, Stephanie 29:31.61 East Dayton Christian
Schubert, Aurora 29:45.40 Day. Christian
Braig, Annie 29:51.30 Indian Lake
Taylor, Abbie 31:04.80 Spr. Northwestern
Reese, Maggie 31:15.60 Indian Lake
Webster, Abigail 32:41.90 Spr. Northwestern
Motter, Makayla 32:55.00 Indian Lake
Cook, Paeghton 33:13.68 Hardin Northern
Benner, Kimberly 33:35.80 Spr. Northwestern
Gilliland, Ava 34:10.40 Franklin Monroe
Mcdermott, Lauren 34:20.90 Franklin Monroe
Hillard, Emma 35:06.40 Spr. Northwestern
Legge, Jenna 37:56.10 Hardin Northern
Foreman, Calynne 38:24.90 Spr. Northwestern
Windle, Ella 39:28.20 Spr. Northwestern
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MS Boys 114 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wolf, Jaden Franklin Monroe
Thacker, Jayden Spr. Shawnee
Larson, Owen Spr. Cath. Cent.
Harder, Dominic East Dayton Christian
Coker, Seth Newton Local
Olson, Ethan Franklin Monroe
Bradley, Taryn West Liberty-Salem MS
Bayliss, Aiden Spr. Shawnee
Woodward-Roeth, Joe Newton Local
Gantner, Robert East Dayton Christian
Good, Nate Franklin Monroe
Fasnacht, Hudson Franklin Monroe
Wilson, Luke Spr. Shawnee
Kinsler, Matthew Spr. Cath. Cent.
Gray, Ridge Newton Local
Melson, Matthew Dayton Christian MS
Murakami, Sammy Spr. Northwestern
Patrick, Parker Franklin Monroe
Lange, Gregory Spr. Shawnee
Bauer, Dylan Newton Local
Meade, Carson East Dayton Christian
Haney, Sam Franklin Monroe
Morgan, Christian Spr. Shawnee
Neff, Braden Spr. Cath. Cent.
Woods, Liam Newton Local
Sutton, Andrew Hardin Northern
Wilson, Trey Franklin Monroe
Froemming, Darold East Dayton Christian
Mcafee, Sammie Spr. Shawnee
Deaton, Jaden Newton Local
Samosky, Evan Spr. Cath. Cent.
Crumley, Adrian Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Officer, Jacob Franklin Monroe
Morgan, Joshua Spr. Shawnee
Wagner, Lucas Spr. Cath. Cent.
Adams, Carter Spr. Shawnee
Woodward-Roeth, Zeb Newton Local
Grappy, Preston Hardin Northern
Bradley, Troy 11:43.70 West Liberty-Salem MS
Ferrin, Riley 11:51.10 Bellbrook MS
Spriggs, Connor 12:10.90 Bellbrook MS
Henry, Leland 12:12.20 West Liberty-Salem MS
Knox, Asher 12:19.20 West Liberty-Salem MS
Rudolph, Quentin 12:36.10 West Liberty-Salem MS
Henderson, Lincoln 12:47.70 West Liberty-Salem MS
Wahl, Daniel 12:49.70 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Steider, Jackson 13:06.70 West Liberty-Salem MS
Bahan, Jack 13:08.40 West Liberty-Salem MS
Fisher, Hayden 13:11.40 Bellbrook MS
Holston, Archer 13:12.20 Greeneview
Louden, Brevin 13:21.20 West Liberty-Salem MS
McNeal, Jackson 13:24.30 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Ross, Luke 13:24.44 Dayton Christian MS
Messerschmidt, Jacob 13:26.50 Bellbrook MS
Taylor, Warren 13:30.37 Dayton Christian MS
Sultan, Josh 13:37.30 Cedarville
Gregory, David 13:38.40 Bellbrook MS
Henley, Lucas 13:41.50 Bellbrook MS
Janson, Andrew 13:42.50 Carroll XC Youth Team
Bultemeyer, Max 13:42.70 Carroll XC Youth Team
Larson, Caleb 13:51.00 West Liberty-Salem MS
Schumacker, Braden 13:56.40 Bellbrook MS
King, Dylan 14:03.70 West Liberty-Salem MS
Manor, Bryson 14:10.60 Greeneview
Neer, Daniel 14:10.80 West Liberty-Salem MS
Cole, Gideon 14:14.30 West Liberty-Salem MS
Wolverton, Josiah 14:17.50 Bellbrook MS
Wiesman, Isaiah 14:18.10 Bellbrook MS
Hodges, Riley 14:23.00 Bellbrook MS
Longaberger, Wyatt 14:25.20 West Liberty-Salem MS
Eppers, Olin 14:37.30 Bellbrook MS
Rudolph, Max 14:38.20 West Liberty-Salem MS
Girtman, Jude 14:39.50 Carroll XC Youth Team
Richardson, Kade 14:39.60 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Kelly, Titus 14:40.10 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Wallace, Joshua 14:40.90 Cedarville
Kroh, Stewart 14:42.10 Cedarville
Fitzsimmons, Braedon 14:56.70 Spr. Northwestern
Hummel, Dominic 14:57.30 Bellbrook MS
Tarwater, David 14:58.60 Cedarville
Stroud, Andrew 14:59.90 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Hansen, Zac 15:00.80 Bellbrook MS
Ferriman, Sam 15:02.36 Dayton Christian MS
Lafollette, Van 15:12.30 West Liberty-Salem MS
Hendricks, Caleb 15:13.60 Dayton Christian MS
Stangle, Camden 15:21.30 Spr. Northwestern
Rinehart, Zackery 15:23.60 Spr. Northwestern
Scaccia, Michael 15:38.10 Carroll XC Youth Team
Mahaffey, Dominick 15:39.90 Spr. Northwestern
Shore, Tommy 15:47.90 Bellbrook MS
LaCasse, Benjamin 15:50.49 Dayton Christian MS
Pachman, Asher 15:57.00 Bellbrook MS
Streby, Evan 16:14.60 Carroll XC Youth Team
McAuley, Clay 16:24.70 West Liberty-Salem MS
Pleiman, Lukas 16:29.40 Carroll XC Youth Team
Landon, George 16:32.10 Cedarville
Aldridge, Ethan 16:33.76 Dayton Christian MS
Ruhlen, Jonnah 16:46.60 Hardin Northern
Emerine, Caleb 17:09.40 Hardin Northern
Crites, John 17:19.50 Madison-Plains
Bigham, Austin 17:41.90 Cedarville
Grieser, AJ 17:51.40 Spr. Northwestern
Spracklen, Ernie 17:52.50 Cedarville
Dunham, Caleb 17:58.70 Cedarville
Bechtel, Brayden 18:15.30 Spr. Northwestern
Lewis, Logan 18:34.80 Cedarville
Vukovich, Adam 19:01.90 Bellbrook MS
Schultz, Caleb 19:29.90 Spr. Northwestern
Cook, Jake 19:40.20 Hardin Northern
Bleicher, Jonathan 19:56.20 Bellbrook MS
Seymour, Collin 20:10.80 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Gatchel, Alex 20:36.60 Hardin Northern
Price, Luke 20:51.00 Hardin Northern
Simpson, Tannor 23:08.10 Bellbrook MS
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MS Girls 90 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burke, Carly Spr. Cath. Cent.
Moore, Khloe Spr. Shawnee
Deaton, Gentri Newton Local
Rittenhouse, Lara Spr. Northwestern
Kocher, Addi Spr. Shawnee
Schmitmeyer, Lauren Franklin Monroe
Ault, Allison Spr. Shawnee
Roth, Veronica Spr. Cath. Cent.
Keferl, Marin Carroll XC Youth Team
Ward, JaNiya East Dayton Christian
Rodriguez, Magnolia Spr. Cath. Cent.
Jennings, Josie Spr. Shawnee
Miller, Audrey Newton Local
Saunders, Stephanie East Dayton Christian
Lyday, Tayor Spr. Northwestern
Wilson, Sara Spr. Shawnee
Hackney, Piper Franklin Monroe
Roberts, Addison Spr. Cath. Cent.
Evans, Gracee Spr. Shawnee
Cornette, Mailee Spr. Northwestern
O'Brien, Claire Spr. Shawnee
McVey, Emma Franklin Monroe
Banks, Peyton East Dayton Christian
Fields, Melani Spr. Shawnee
Brue, Stella Spr. Cath. Cent.
Lockwood, Emily Spr. Shawnee
Diller, Abbie Hardin Northern
Short, Gracie Spr. Shawnee
Mills, Sophie Franklin Monroe
Moylan, Evangeline Carroll XC Youth Team
Baker, Ava East Dayton Christian
Karbowiak, Meya Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Rash, Reagan 12:59.30 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Gross, Ruby 13:30.50 Carroll XC Youth Team
Wagner, Evie 13:41.60 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Gullett, Breece 13:54.80 West Liberty-Salem MS
Cole, Anna 14:06.00 West Liberty-Salem MS
Pollock, Lauren 14:18.60 Spr. Northwestern
Thurman, Anna 14:34.60 Carroll XC Youth Team
Ruble, Madison 14:34.80 Bellbrook MS
Beeghly, Bella 14:53.30 Bellbrook MS
Longshore, Elise 15:19.20 West Liberty-Salem MS
Prentice, Amber 15:27.96 Dayton Christian MS
Jiovani, Lexi 15:29.10 Bellbrook MS
Minor, Emma 15:37.70 Cedarville
Mark, Ellie 15:41.30 Cedarville
Crocker, Rya 15:41.50 Bellbrook MS
Burris, Madison 15:53.70 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Clough, Ava 15:54.40 Carroll XC Youth Team
Henry, Raylea 15:55.20 West Liberty-Salem MS
Krabill, Abriley 15:57.40 West Liberty-Salem MS
Estep, Geneva 15:59.20 West Liberty-Salem MS
McCullough, Gwen 16:04.90 West Liberty-Salem MS
Knox, Anna 16:06.60 West Liberty-Salem MS
Brielmaier, Ariel 16:21.10 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Spracklen, Adeline 16:28.30 Cedarville
Miller, Malia 16:31.60 West Liberty-Salem MS
Atherton, Milly 16:59.80 Bellbrook MS
Skinner, Makayla 16:59.80 Bellbrook MS
Schultz, Ella 17:06.60 Carroll XC Youth Team
Finfrock, Cameron 17:10.40 Lewistown Indian Lake MS
Dooley, Mylee 17:26.40 West Liberty-Salem MS
Craig, Laney 17:36.90 West Liberty-Salem MS
Franz, Taryn 17:37.40 Cedarville
Westwood, Lily 18:07.80 Bellbrook MS
Lopez, Gloria 18:11.80 Cedarville
Correa, Natalee 18:20.30 Carroll XC Youth Team
Russell, Amelie 18:23.00 Dayton Christian MS
Mullins, Alyssia 18:23.70 Madison-Plains
Greer, Olivia 18:24.60 Dayton Christian MS
Cutting, Claire 18:27.80 Bellbrook MS
Rice, Paisley 18:30.30 Madison-Plains
Smith, Emma 18:32.10 West Liberty-Salem MS
Cutting, Anna 18:35.60 Bellbrook MS
Bradford, Erin 18:59.60 Carroll XC Youth Team
Vaughn, Addie 19:41.80 Cedarville
Forshee, Claire 19:43.60 Bellbrook MS
Wonders, Claire 20:11.80 Cedarville
Laubensheimer, Olivia 20:14.00 Madison-Plains
Bailey, Bella 20:18.50 Spr. Northwestern
Webb, Evelyn 20:39.00 Spr. Northwestern
Peters, Avaleigh 20:45.10 Spr. Northwestern
Steward, Faith 20:45.30 Cedarville
Neidhard, Corrinn 21:04.60 Carroll XC Youth Team
Newland, Emily 22:05.30 Spr. Northwestern
Kroh, Kate 22:10.40 Cedarville
Woodruff, Mariann 23:32.50 Hardin Northern
Dyer, Cecilia 24:46.80 Bellbrook MS
Neidhard, Caitlin 26:16.40 Carroll XC Youth Team
Petit, Alexis 26:54.10 Bellbrook MS
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