Meet Information
Course Description: The Berlin XC course is a very spectator friendly 5,000 meter course. The course is flat, fast, and all grass course around the perimeter of Berlin High School. The course and miles will be well marked. Bib chip Timing.
Records:Girls: M. Leonard (Dublin Jerome, 2021) 17:54.3; Boys: C. Ackley (Hilliard Davidson, 2021) 15:03.08
Admission: $7.00 Online ticketing ONLY!
Restrooms:Available in the stadium! We will have 5 Rent-A-Johns by the start line for runners as well.
Meet Shirts: Pre order online through 9/29. Shirts will also be for sale at the meet!
Youth Race (Grade 3-6)- If you have youth runners in your community, please let them know about our youth 2 mile event. Entry Fee: $10. Great opportunity to get a 2 mile race before the youth state meet. SIGN UP HERE
Time Schedule:
9:00am: Girls Varsity (Top 10 Runners Only) - Top 20 get medals (Plaque Top 2 Teams)
9:30am: Boys Varsity (Top 10 Runners Only) - Top 20 get medals (Plaque Top 2 Teams)
10:00am: Girls Open (unlimited) - Top 20 get medals
10:40am: Boys Open (unlimited)- Top 20 get medals
11:20am: Girls Middle School Race (unlimited entries) - Top 20 get medals (Plaque Top 2 Teams)
11:50am: Boys Middle School Race (unlimited entries) - Top 20 get medals (Plaque Top 2 Teams)
12:20pm: Grade 3-6 Race (2 miles) - Top 20 Boys and Top 20 Girls get medals (registration through CRC)
Individual Awards: We will have custom diecast medals of our trademarked bear logo below!
Team Awards: We will have custom team plaques for the 1st and 2nd place teams in the varsity race!
Team Tents- All team tents will be set up between the baseball and softball diamonds. Please do not set up anywhere else due to the irrigation system on our practice fields.
Pets- Please tell parents there are no pets allowed on the OBHS XC course unless it is a service animal.
Entry Fee:$100 per Team ($200 for boys and girls teams). Please make sure your athletic department has paid the entry fee before arriving. All contracts through Arbiter.
Entries:Please Enter your team roster on OHMilesplit. Opens 8/2/22 Closes 9/29/22 9:00am
Coaches can choose their TOP 10 runners for the varsity race the day of the meet.Please remind athletes to stay away from the finish line or leave their bibs at team camp when not racing.This can impact race results and we want to avoid any issues.
Bib Timing- Please only enter athletes that are going to compete in the event to help keep costs down.
Contact Coach Beggrow ( with any questions.