Licking Heights XC Invitational 2022

Pataskala, OH
Hosted by Licking Hts.
Timing/Results GHG Timing

Licking Heights XC Invitational 2022 vs Licking Heights XC Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +27 104 77
Overall Average -2:01.44 24:19.34 26:20.78
1st-10th Place -7.20 18:45.40 18:52.60
1st-25th Place -54.80 19:31.76 20:26.56
1st-50th Place -2:08.76 20:47.74 22:56.50
1st-100th Place +3:28.87 23:46.07 20:17.20
Common Athletes -- -- 21
Ran Faster -11 5 16
Ran Season Best -7 -- 7
Average Time +44.71 24:01.00 23:16.29
Median Time +1:23.00 23:37.00 22:14.00
Middle 80% Times +55.88 24:35.76 23:39.88
Top 10% Times +29.33 18:48.33 18:19.00
Top 25% Times +48.83 19:36.33 18:47.50
Top 50% Times +59.91 20:46.82 19:46.91
Bottom 50% Times +25.45 25:04.18 24:38.73
Bottom 25% Times +15.83 28:48.00 28:32.17
Bottom 10% Times -27.33 29:40.67 30:08.00
Average Difference +44.71 -- --
Median Difference +3.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +56.00 -- --
Top 10% Difference +29.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference +52.64 -- --
Top 25% Difference +21.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference +52.64 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +33.00 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +19.67 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -39.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Carson Crabtree Pat. Liberty Christian +49.00 18:29.00 17:40.00
Koen Kwak Wellington School -12.00 18:17.00 18:29.00
Oliver Mills Licking Hts. +51.00 19:39.00 18:48.00
Oliver Lieser Licking Hts. +2:37.00 21:29.00 18:52.00
Addison Caudill Licking Hts. +1:38.00 20:49.00 19:11.00
Nick Caldwell Zanesville +1:57.00 21:42.00 19:45.00
Dylan Boals Watkins Memorial -30.00 19:51.00 20:21.00
Donovan Otcasek Wellington School +44.00 20:38.00 19:54.00
Ross Braswell Wellington School +26.00 20:44.00 20:18.00
Morgan Watkins Licking Hts. +1:16.00 23:20.00 22:04.00
Chris Davis Licking Hts. +3:03.00 25:17.00 22:14.00
Hannah Guffrey Wellington School +3.00 23:37.00 23:34.00
Rachel Mohr Pat. Liberty Christian +1:36.00 26:22.00 24:46.00
Karsyn Johnson Licking Hts. +13.00 25:36.00 25:23.00
Sam Eicholtz Watkins Memorial -50.00 25:43.00 26:33.00
Lily Hegenberger Pat. Liberty Christian +52.00 27:02.00 26:10.00
Maxwell Johnson Wellington School +2:50.00 29:28.00 26:38.00
Adalyn Potts Licking Hts. +2:10.00 29:48.00 27:38.00
Molly Crabtree Licking Hts. +13.00 28:01.00 27:48.00
Faith Sabo Watkins Memorial -2:26.00 28:43.00 31:09.00
Lilly Vance Wellington School -1:41.00 29:46.00 31:27.00