Fostoria Athletic Boosters Invitational 2022

Fostoria, OH
Hosted by Fostoria

Fostoria Athletic Boosters Invitational 2022 vs Fostoria Athletic Boosters Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +114 325 211
Overall Average +4.92 23:06.79 23:01.88
1st-10th Place +5.95 17:16.23 17:10.28
1st-25th Place -14.50 17:42.12 17:56.62
1st-50th Place -30.55 18:16.93 18:47.48
1st-100th Place -49.91 19:06.44 19:56.35
Common Athletes -- -- 45
Ran Faster -19 13 32
Ran Season Best -2 5 7
Average Time +58.25 22:37.58 21:39.34
Median Time +1:04.41 22:13.64 21:09.23
Middle 80% Times +51.56 22:22.99 21:31.43
Top 10% Times +55.08 17:56.76 17:01.68
Top 25% Times +41.62 18:30.83 17:49.21
Top 50% Times +47.60 19:42.67 18:55.07
Bottom 50% Times +1:06.36 24:33.47 23:27.12
Bottom 25% Times +1:31.48 27:42.59 26:11.11
Bottom 10% Times +1:58.86 30:17.94 28:19.07
Average Difference +58.25 -- --
Median Difference +2:25.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +44.37 -- --
Top 10% Difference +52.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference +45.39 -- --
Top 25% Difference +40.39 -- --
Top 50% Difference +45.39 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:14.87 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:37.23 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:26.64 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Wesley Kellermeier Otsego +1:09.63 17:39.36 16:29.73
Nathan Strahm Otsego +1:05.17 17:49.35 16:44.18
Cameron Hohman New Riegel +1:25.55 18:15.45 16:49.90
Joaquin Perez Columbian +34.12 18:02.17 17:28.05
Ben Nusbaum Otsego +57.79 18:34.33 17:36.54
Alec Hohman New Riegel +9.22 17:59.43 17:50.21
Jack Seeger Otsego +25.84 18:17.59 17:51.75
Gavin Witt Oak Harbor +37.42 18:37.75 18:00.33
Gavin Minich Elmwood +1:36.24 19:41.63 18:05.39
Eli Pumphrey Clyde -40.18 18:13.49 18:53.67
Traivon Cousin Fostoria +2:36.09 21:33.13 18:57.04
Jacob Obringer Otsego +32.35 19:36.10 19:03.75
Caleb Euler Otsego +3:03.21 22:13.65 19:10.44
Keegan Mentrek Otsego +11.58 19:31.33 19:19.75
Taylen Biddinger Willard +22.31 19:43.22 19:20.91
Drake Blausey Woodmore -13.02 19:33.59 19:46.61
Grady Albright Columbian +41.44 20:40.20 19:58.76
Nick Horvath Woodmore +2:25.00 22:37.89 20:12.89
Marissa Gessner Clyde +3:17.69 23:31.58 20:13.89
Preston Widman Clyde -4.76 20:14.32 20:19.08
Diego Torres Waite -56.92 20:30.23 21:27.15
Laura Tanner Elmwood +4:16.38 25:07.69 20:51.31
Evan Barringer Elmwood +2:25.83 23:18.99 20:53.16
Macin Pettry No. Baltimore -1:54.73 21:03.07 22:57.80
Aubrey Diller Tol. St. Ursula Acad. +8.21 21:17.44 21:09.23
Nicholas Gladieux Rossford +1:04.10 22:13.41 21:09.31
Madilyn Polte Tol. St. Ursula Acad. +13.63 22:13.64 22:00.01
Owen Shepherd Willard -1:20.00 22:01.18 23:21.18
Jack Clark Northwood -33.63 22:14.68 22:48.31
Brady Buhrow Woodmore +2:56.78 25:17.40 22:20.62
Kayla Tischler Clyde -21.31 22:26.22 22:47.53
Olivia Howe Tol. St. Ursula Acad. -50.44 22:27.64 23:18.08
Anna Quicker Tol. St. Ursula Acad. +1:34.17 24:39.53 23:05.36
Presley Csortos Tol. St. Ursula Acad. +2:51.42 26:07.60 23:16.18
Celeste Ellerbrock Otsego +5:41.18 29:16.48 23:35.30
Johnny Berry Northwood +16.27 24:15.23 23:58.96
Natalie Nietz Elmwood +4:33.34 28:49.83 24:16.49
Britta Simpson Otsego -2:44.37 24:33.39 27:17.76
Paisley Dehan Tol. St. Ursula Acad. -1:07.73 24:45.26 25:52.99
Chloe Heyman Columbian +2:40.26 27:39.13 24:58.87
Stella Strong Woodmore -1:30.42 25:03.73 26:34.15
Brooke Bergman Otsego -52.35 27:00.59 27:52.94
Lila Seeger Otsego +3:11.47 30:16.67 27:05.20
Lindsay Crouse No. Baltimore +2:21.76 30:15.39 27:53.63
Bella Silverwood Elmwood +1:25.47 32:51.31 31:25.84