Keystone Icebreaker 2023

Lorain, OH

Keystone Icebreaker 2023 vs Keystone Ice Breaker 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +67 409 342
Overall Average -16.22 24:52.38 25:08.60
1st-10th Place -41.16 16:49.07 17:30.23
1st-25th Place -38.21 17:26.93 18:05.14
1st-50th Place -40.42 18:06.87 18:47.29
1st-100th Place -35.40 19:11.18 19:46.59
Common Athletes -- -- 70
Ran Faster 60 65 5
Ran Season Best 1 4 3
Average Time -2:42.81 22:48.37 25:31.17
Median Time -2:37.20 22:36.10 25:13.30
Middle 80% Times -2:37.79 22:32.91 25:10.70
Top 10% Times -2:01.81 16:52.81 18:54.63
Top 25% Times -2:23.18 17:57.16 20:20.34
Top 50% Times -2:12.32 19:41.30 21:53.61
Bottom 50% Times -3:13.30 25:55.43 29:08.73
Bottom 25% Times -3:53.18 28:03.49 31:56.68
Bottom 10% Times -4:03.93 30:47.59 34:51.51
Average Difference -2:42.81 -- --
Median Difference -1:31.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:29.82 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:26.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:59.04 -- --
Top 25% Difference -2:11.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:59.04 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:26.57 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -4:36.05 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -5:43.21 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jared Robinson Midview -2:23.70 16:20.40 18:44.10
William Dunstan Bay -1:08.60 16:35.30 17:43.90
Lucas Edgell Midview -1:29.30 16:49.10 18:18.40
Connor Spellman Bay -3:47.90 16:50.50 20:38.40
Andrew Young Lake Ridge Acad. -1:17.40 16:55.90 18:13.30
Michael Gale Keystone -3:33.30 17:08.30 20:41.60
Dylan Robinson Midview -5:06.30 17:30.20 22:36.50
Nate Rieth Buckeye -4:16.00 17:34.90 21:50.90
Zachary Janus Midview -1:58.70 17:48.70 19:47.40
Joe Fox Wellington -2:12.40 17:58.40 20:10.80
Peyton Myers Bay -3:22.20 18:02.20 21:24.40
Rylan Copen Firelands -2:30.20 18:16.90 20:47.10
Jakob Gibson Rittman -2:35.30 18:21.00 20:56.30
Tyler Skilskyj Buckeye -2:53.10 18:45.50 21:38.60
Evandor Fedor Keystone -1:48.70 19:14.70 21:03.40
Owen Szucs Buckeye +26.20 19:50.70 19:24.50
John Haskell Lorain -2:15.20 19:36.40 21:51.60
Garrett Schlechter Firelands -1:06.50 19:40.10 20:46.60
Alexander Kalassay Firelands -4:33.60 19:40.30 24:13.90
Landon Southam Cloverleaf -5:15.00 19:51.60 25:06.60
Braylon Miller Keystone -2:24.70 20:15.50 22:40.20
Emma Hibler Cloverleaf -1:19.00 20:45.80 22:04.80
Madison Snyder Cloverleaf -2:31.80 20:51.10 23:22.90
Allison Yagersz Cloverleaf -2:40.00 21:14.80 23:54.80
Jonah Stump Wellington -2:15.30 21:37.90 23:53.20
Brooke Gucker Cloverleaf -34.50 21:42.50 22:17.00
Vanessa Monhemius Cloverleaf -2:00.30 21:51.10 23:51.40
Leland Lamont Clearview -6:08.60 21:56.20 28:04.80
Kamdon Czerwony Buckeye -59.10 21:58.60 22:57.70
Jacob Kelovsky Brookside -4:00.10 22:00.60 26:00.70
Jacob Wagner Columbia -7:40.30 22:09.70 29:50.00
Elijah Zidar Firelands -3.50 22:25.40 22:28.90
Luke Swartz Columbia -2:50.10 22:25.50 25:15.60
Daniel Hartung Firelands +2:08.00 24:36.90 22:28.90
Ryan Wolff Buckeye -57.10 22:29.10 23:26.20
Riley Mjolnir Midview -3:03.60 22:30.50 25:34.10
Reuben Greenly Midview -1:45.30 22:36.10 24:21.40
Isabella Watters Wellington -3:36.50 22:39.60 26:16.10
Robert Barnes Wellington -16:02.60 22:55.30 38:57.90
Riley Egli Columbia -19.30 23:05.10 23:24.40
Brady Hurst Keystone -2:25.50 23:15.80 25:41.30
Trace Graf Lake Ridge Acad. -59.80 23:21.30 24:21.10
Gabriella Izzo Cloverleaf -2:23.40 23:22.50 25:45.90
Hayden Winslow Midview -5:44.00 23:23.70 29:07.70
Jarod Miller Columbia -6:02.60 23:32.40 29:35.00
Hana Bodo Columbia -1:56.40 23:34.40 25:30.80
Lauren Jensch Cloverleaf -1:31.30 23:42.00 25:13.30
Max Elliott Columbia -3:21.40 23:44.80 27:06.20
Evan Gargasz Firelands -1:25.60 23:49.00 25:14.60
Taylor Morris Wellington -1:48.80 24:30.30 26:19.10
Cason PELKO Midview +22.50 25:07.80 24:45.30
Mark Love Clearview -6:41.40 25:00.30 31:41.70
Logan Bass Firelands +21.60 25:48.10 25:26.50
Melina Ventouris Buckeye +26.60 25:54.40 25:27.80
Grace Burdorff Midview -7:07.30 25:32.10 32:39.40
Holly Milbrandt Cloverleaf -1:22.60 25:32.80 26:55.40
Piper Webber Columbia -5:24.80 25:46.60 31:11.40
Ethan Metheney Wellington -2:05.40 25:51.20 27:56.60
Sarah Napier Columbia -1:51.50 26:40.70 28:32.20
Ashleigh Joyce Brookside -6:56.20 26:45.70 33:41.90
Jenna Desimone Buckeye -30.10 26:46.50 27:16.60
Dylan Perman Cloverleaf -2:00.80 27:25.20 29:26.00
Maddie Fada Brookside -5:27.00 27:26.50 32:53.50
Shannon Bartter Buckeye -2:15.10 27:31.20 29:46.30
Saleana Hottenrott Keystone -2:13.60 27:32.80 29:46.40
David Hwang Midview -2:07.40 28:19.20 30:26.60
Lillian Mencke Cloverleaf -2:22.40 30:43.50 33:05.90
Rileigh Roule Firelands -44.90 30:51.40 31:36.30
Addison Reisinger Midview -37.50 33:19.40 33:56.90
Lydia Schlechter Firelands -1:29.50 37:15.60 38:45.10