Columbus Grove XC Invitational 2024

Columbus Grove, OH

Columbus Grove XC Invitational 2024 vs Columbus Grove Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +259 887 628
Overall Average +2.05 22:25.59 22:23.55
1st-10th Place -12.21 15:57.89 16:10.10
1st-25th Place -12.22 16:17.83 16:30.05
1st-50th Place -13.90 16:39.61 16:53.51
1st-100th Place -21.78 17:07.43 17:29.21
Common Athletes -- -- 92
Ran Faster 50 71 21
Ran Season Best -10 8 18
Average Time -1:06.44 21:20.07 22:26.51
Median Time -1:11.74 20:56.70 22:08.44
Middle 80% Times -1:10.51 21:04.42 22:14.94
Top 10% Times -1:20.22 16:05.99 17:26.21
Top 25% Times -1:28.39 16:44.73 18:13.13
Top 50% Times -1:27.28 17:58.82 19:26.10
Bottom 50% Times -45.61 24:41.31 25:26.92
Bottom 25% Times -23.17 27:21.79 27:44.95
Bottom 10% Times -14.15 29:46.35 30:00.50
Average Difference -1:06.44 -- --
Median Difference -13.27 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:14.98 -- --
Top 10% Difference -52.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:03.63 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:04.92 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:03.63 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:09.26 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -36.75 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -58.04 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ty Rosengarten Ottawa-Glandorf -1:35.12 15:44.10 17:19.22
Owen Scott Van Wert -2:39.76 15:46.90 18:26.66
Kale Seymour Tol. St. Francis -4:02.32 15:50.40 19:52.72
Colton Adolph Tol. St. Francis -6:40.89 15:52.50 22:33.39
Paul Westrick Tinora -33.66 15:57.60 16:31.26
Adrian Stechschulte Findlay -1:17.10 16:04.50 17:21.60
Carson Brown Botkins -1:16.07 16:20.50 17:36.57
Andrew Laudick Van Wert -1:13.50 16:24.40 17:37.90
Jose Blanco -26.87 16:27.40 16:54.27
Levi Bryan Columbus Grove -3:32.52 16:31.60 20:04.12
Micah Balsmeyer Mil. Lake -1:32.95 16:36.40 18:09.35
Kreston Tow Lincolnview -1:15.37 16:40.60 17:55.97
Evan Johns Lincolnview -1:11.35 16:53.20 18:04.55
Collin Doseck Botkins -1:41.13 16:54.70 18:35.83
Landen Jones Bath -1:49.55 16:58.00 18:47.55
Phat Tran Findlay -2:23.77 17:14.80 19:38.57
Bryce Bonifas Columbus Grove +6.13 17:21.70 17:15.58
Wil White Tol. St. Francis -2:16.76 17:21.70 19:38.46
Noah Spath Van Wert -1:56.70 17:26.10 19:22.80
Josh Sandvik Tol. St. Francis -43.81 17:32.20 18:16.01
Wyatt German Ottoville -1:07.75 17:42.10 18:49.85
Jameson Heck Tol. St. Francis -1.59 17:43.60 17:45.19
Kamren Johnson Antwerp -1:02.81 17:43.90 18:46.71
Kyle Edelmann Anna -2:42.17 17:53.10 20:35.27
Aiden Casterline Sher. Fairview -3:12.88 17:58.50 21:11.38
Jaden Ryan Bath -4.82 18:11.30 18:16.12
Luke Shaffer Tol. St. Francis -5:59.49 18:15.70 24:15.19
Kaleb Denman Lincolnview -1:29.67 18:19.90 19:49.57
Trace Klausing Lincolnview -37.26 18:20.20 18:57.46
Justin Drees Tol. St. Francis -3:34.35 18:36.80 22:11.15
Miles Kuntz Wauseon -3:35.69 18:41.10 22:16.79
Ben Leichty Liberty-Benton -1:21.38 18:42.00 20:03.38
Traivon Cousin Fostoria -52.30 18:58.00 19:50.30
Evan Beauregard -30.35 19:01.20 19:31.55
Lucas Szczublewski Tol. St. Francis -5:40.96 19:06.10 24:47.06
Aaron Lortz Carey +2:17.64 21:24.90 19:07.26
Brandon Frey Ottawa-Glandorf -4.96 19:27.70 19:32.66
Matthew Siler Wauseon -3:02.91 19:28.80 22:31.71
Cully Thompson Paulding -58.23 19:30.40 20:28.63
Collin Ridgway St. Marys Memorial -4:14.13 19:36.80 23:50.93
Kate Thormeier Bryan -27.14 19:40.20 20:07.34
Lily Grady Van Buren +49.38 20:35.70 19:46.32
Eliot Brody Tol. St. Francis -1:50.61 19:54.50 21:45.11
Josh Boyd Anna -45.80 19:56.10 20:41.90
Josh Hohman Van Wert -1:06.79 20:18.90 21:25.68
Ava Stammen Minster +11.58 20:40.70 20:29.13
Taylor McCoy Bath -4:57.32 20:43.30 25:40.62
Alex Ross Spencerville -2:04.46 20:56.70 23:01.16
Logan Williams Wauseon -1:16.36 21:02.50 22:18.86
Cheyenne Zeedyk Sher. Fairview +37.27 21:40.30 21:03.03
Grace Gutman Botkins -20.97 21:06.00 21:26.97
Kayla Mavis Sher. Fairview +34.10 21:44.90 21:10.80
June Essinger Bluffton +1:22.55 22:36.50 21:13.95
Chloe Etzinger Carey +4.26 21:23.20 21:18.94
Colin Tomanelli Anna -3:18.65 21:19.60 24:38.25
Kyla Fallis Bath +16.41 21:42.10 21:25.69
Olivia Coutinho Van Buren -47.42 21:38.70 22:26.12
Trevor Couchot Van Buren -2:17.51 21:39.80 23:57.31
Jeremiah Koenig Paulding -6:40.51 21:46.80 28:27.31
Andy Meyer Edgerton -1:24.04 21:47.40 23:11.44
Serenity Williamson Anna -3.80 21:47.70 21:51.50
Grace Morman Columbus Grove -13.27 21:59.50 22:12.77
Damon Zimmerly Carey +1:45.26 23:53.70 22:08.44
Olivia Snyder Lincolnview -12.25 22:22.80 22:35.05
Rose Turnwald Ottawa-Glandorf -33.81 22:26.60 23:00.41
Adriana Kremer Minster -9.07 22:28.20 22:37.27
Rylee Orchard Van Buren +18.05 22:52.40 22:34.35
Amber Bihn Findlay -10.37 23:01.10 23:11.47
Claire Miller Paulding -34.71 23:37.60 24:12.31
Summer Hiler Sher. Fairview -12.76 24:00.00 24:12.76
Harrison Whiteman Edgerton +2.30 24:02.50 24:00.20
Heidi Romero Sher. Fairview -1:15.88 24:27.90 25:43.78
Heidi Meyer Edgerton +1:38.81 26:08.70 24:29.90
Faith Combs Bluffton +3:41.82 28:17.20 24:35.38
Kate Drewes Napoleon +35.50 25:17.30 24:41.81
Lauren Rader Findlay -2:15.09 24:47.60 27:02.69
Alexandria Schultz Wauseon -2:00.48 25:14.40 27:14.88
Caitlyn Curry Van Buren -48.41 25:25.60 26:14.01
Phoebe Treece Findlay -1:07.67 25:32.60 26:40.27
Ava Sealscott Van Wert +2:05.85 27:44.40 25:38.55
Lillian Zaciewski Findlay +59.74 26:45.20 25:45.46
Maggie Bensman Anna -2:19.77 26:06.50 28:26.27
Reagan Knapke Liberty-Benton -28.35 26:09.70 26:38.05
Casey Xie Bryan +1:20.30 28:43.80 27:23.50
Maddie Houck Kalida -1:35.75 27:39.60 29:15.35
Madyson Buschmann Mil. Lake -33.31 27:40.40 28:13.71
Savhanna Starner Lincolnview +1:02.81 29:02.50 27:59.69
Lexi Ebert Liberty-Benton -2:59.77 28:14.50 31:14.27
Fiona Cancellare Findlay -1:37.90 28:48.00 30:25.90
Emma Kamann Mil. Lake +1:53.52 31:42.50 29:48.98
Mallorie Maag Ottawa-Glandorf +4:08.21 34:12.60 30:04.39
Amanda Fleetwood Tinora -2:51.52 33:17.60 36:09.12