Best in the West - Botkins Invitational 2024

Botkins , OH
Hosted by Botkins

Best in the West - Botkins Invitational 2024 vs Best in the West - Botkins Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -6 244 250
Overall Average -37.26 22:44.67 23:21.93
1st-10th Place -10.53 17:01.61 17:12.14
1st-25th Place -10.99 17:41.01 17:52.00
1st-50th Place -6.96 18:18.21 18:25.17
1st-100th Place -5.06 19:23.42 19:28.47
Common Athletes -- -- 123
Ran Faster 35 79 44
Ran Season Best 1 9 8
Average Time -45.71 21:55.87 22:41.58
Median Time -57.05 21:07.70 22:04.75
Middle 80% Times -38.87 21:44.70 22:23.57
Top 10% Times -36.34 17:09.38 17:45.72
Top 25% Times -25.61 18:00.50 18:26.11
Top 50% Times -28.30 19:11.37 19:39.67
Bottom 50% Times -1:02.39 24:19.14 25:21.53
Bottom 25% Times -1:13.58 26:50.59 28:04.17
Bottom 10% Times -1:48.13 28:51.17 30:39.30
Average Difference -45.71 -- --
Median Difference +40.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -34.09 -- --
Top 10% Difference -30.81 -- --
Top 50% Difference -22.19 -- --
Top 25% Difference -20.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference -22.19 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:07.85 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:40.03 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:33.91 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jackson Spitzer Versailles -1:33.02 16:02.90 17:35.92
Tony Moorman Versailles +0.96 16:27.50 16:26.54
Carson Brown Botkins -7.60 16:40.10 16:47.70
Zachary Rahm Versailles -1:17.80 16:52.50 18:10.30
Titus Young Anna -1:43.07 16:56.00 18:39.07
Lucas Arnold Botkins -42.82 17:25.90 18:08.72
Marcus Briscoe Versailles -47.02 17:25.90 18:12.92
Collin Doseck Botkins -0.54 17:26.10 17:26.64
Landry Knore Versailles -39.82 17:27.20 18:07.02
Drew Meyer Versailles -17.58 17:32.00 17:49.58
Anthony Spitzer Versailles -35.19 17:34.90 18:10.09
Ryan Koenig Botkins -1:04.05 17:35.50 18:39.55
Hayden Sell Wapakoneta -45.39 17:35.50 18:20.89
Cameron Magoto Versailles +25.94 18:07.00 17:41.06
Ryan Pleiman Versailles -29.84 18:01.00 18:30.84
Wesley Manger Botkins -2:02.63 18:04.20 20:06.83
Ben Pitsenbarger Versailles +25.69 18:31.10 18:05.41
Blake Bixler Anna -20.64 18:09.30 18:29.94
Dylan Dunn Versailles +33.82 18:46.30 18:12.48
Kyle Edelmann Anna -22.87 18:15.90 18:38.77
Simon Blackford Sidney -12.00 18:24.50 18:36.50
Dakari Crawford Houston -50.82 18:28.20 19:19.02
Tyler Maurer Anna -35.56 18:35.90 19:11.46
Luke DeMange Versailles +13.48 18:53.00 18:39.52
Andrew Sutton Hardin Northern -27.50 18:44.90 19:12.40
Nathaniel Stolly Parkway +34.67 19:20.70 18:46.03
Riley Newton Hardin Northern -47.39 18:46.40 19:33.79
Owen Willoby Jackson Center +3.87 18:55.50 18:51.63
Tanner Braun Spencerville -52.47 19:00.80 19:53.27
Brady Rogers Versailles -3:00.95 19:03.80 22:04.75
Dylan Shaffer Houston +24.35 19:32.00 19:07.65
Adam Rauh Versailles -25.03 19:10.90 19:35.93
Reed Miller Wapakoneta -58.13 19:14.70 20:12.83
Christian Augsburger Wapakoneta -58.07 19:15.10 20:13.17
Mitchell Adams Spencerville +1:23.88 20:45.30 19:21.42
Xavier Samples Parkway +3.07 19:25.00 19:21.93
Noah McCoy Upper Scioto Valley +1.28 19:23.30 19:22.02
Weston Hoover Houston -46.91 19:25.50 20:12.41
Owen Zimpfer Botkins +5.58 19:32.00 19:26.42
Josiah Neff Parkway -1:03.42 19:38.60 20:42.02
Grant McClurg Versailles -13.59 19:49.10 20:02.69
Keegan Yagle Versailles -58.87 19:49.80 20:48.67
Luke Price Hardin Northern -4:02.81 19:55.30 23:58.11
Jayson Muter Anna -2:00.93 20:19.20 22:20.13
Josh Boyd Anna -3:12.87 20:22.40 23:35.27
Patrick McGlinch Versailles +13.12 20:38.40 20:25.28
Corynn Goubeaux Versailles +56.44 21:22.40 20:25.96
Braiden Zapp Upper Scioto Valley +2.76 20:29.10 20:26.34
Trevor Stearns Parkway +1:05.13 21:38.60 20:33.47
Christian Mahan Anna -13.26 20:35.00 20:48.26
Quinn Dyer Upper Scioto Valley -2:02.38 20:39.80 22:42.18
Elias Peterson Calvary Christian -1:28.66 20:47.90 22:16.56
Gabrielle Spitzer Versailles -1:42.89 20:49.70 22:32.59
Luke Gaertner Calvary Christian +14.08 21:04.50 20:50.42
Konner Pleiman Houston -1:46.38 20:52.70 22:39.08
Alex Ross Spencerville -1:13.75 20:53.80 22:07.55
Ava Rismiller Versailles -27.95 20:54.70 21:22.65
Noah Miller Botkins -6:25.61 20:56.20 27:21.81
Christina Tong Parkway -26.76 20:58.60 21:25.36
Jake Cook Hardin Northern -3:18.88 20:58.80 24:17.68
Anderson Blackford Sidney -44.73 21:00.40 21:45.13
Bella Bucio Botkins +46.46 21:47.30 21:00.84
Taylor Muhlenkamp Parkway +3.89 21:05.30 21:01.41
Owen Poeppelman Anna -28.62 21:03.40 21:32.02
Serenity Williamson Anna -12.15 21:07.70 21:19.85
Amanda Barrett Parkway +1:16.40 22:25.80 21:09.40
Owen Rindler Versailles -20.96 21:14.90 21:35.86
Gideon Soma Calvary Christian -24.83 21:23.50 21:48.33
Hailey Dietz Sidney +1:21.07 22:45.80 21:24.73
Grace Gutman Botkins -9.27 21:34.60 21:43.87
Amelia Greve Botkins +40.10 22:18.00 21:37.90
Colin Tomanelli Anna -8:10.84 21:38.10 29:48.94
Zac Mangen Versailles -4:11.91 21:41.80 25:53.71
Addison Blindauer Botkins +55.24 22:41.90 21:46.66
Dalton Davis Fairlawn -2.88 22:14.60 22:17.48
Tyler Dickman Anna -1:31.84 22:21.30 23:53.14
Shane Egbert Jackson Center -25:36.97 22:21.60 47:58.57
Chloe Steinbrunner Versailles -40.46 22:26.70 23:07.16
Paige Holzapfel Versailles -15.40 22:28.30 22:43.70
Owen Quinter Piqua -2:52.74 22:37.70 25:30.44
Eden Barga Versailles +28.34 23:11.00 22:42.66
Erin Frederick Versailles -42.52 22:52.80 23:35.32
Byron Weber Piqua -2:57.51 22:54.80 25:52.31
Jordyn Schaefer Parkway -21.43 22:55.30 23:16.73
Casey Clem Hardin Northern -1:27.25 22:58.20 24:25.45
Helana Sinning Parkway -53.77 23:01.90 23:55.67
Rhylan Broerman Versailles -43.63 23:04.00 23:47.63
Nevaeh Burt Fairlawn -2:36.01 23:08.70 25:44.71
Kara Kellner Sidney +1:34.35 24:43.70 23:09.35
Kriston Wendel Botkins +57.94 24:17.70 23:19.76
Elijah Lammers New Knoxville -24.07 23:21.90 23:45.97
Harley Hanes Mississinawa Valley +20.88 23:46.40 23:25.52
Delno Tidd Upper Scioto Valley -3:30.50 23:40.10 27:10.60
Rachel Harshbarger Anna -0.46 23:40.50 23:40.96
Andrea Graves Versailles +2:35.14 26:19.90 23:44.76
Elijah Young Piqua -21.04 23:47.00 24:08.04
Braxton Burnworth Hardin Northern +58.30 24:51.40 23:53.10
Miles Joseph Upper Scioto Valley +1:53.64 25:47.50 23:53.86
Madeline Little Wapakoneta -2:51.56 24:20.90 27:12.46
Logan Ramge Houston +17.95 24:40.40 24:22.45
Addyson Ford Piqua +38.60 25:06.20 24:27.60
Jude Holland New Knoxville +1:09.18 25:37.10 24:27.92
Kayaa Mote Mississinawa Valley +26.72 25:21.10 24:54.38
Kalel Moreaux Piqua +51.53 26:22.00 25:30.47
Jadyn Adamson-Holsinger Anna -1:48.27 25:42.50 27:30.77
Abriley Krabill Calvary Christian +1:11.63 26:58.30 25:46.67
Emily Bambauer New Knoxville +18.63 26:05.90 25:47.27
Benjamin Tidd Upper Scioto Valley -2:05.46 25:52.50 27:57.96
Paige Emrick Mississinawa Valley -25.17 25:56.10 26:21.27
Grace Borchers Versailles -1:34.96 25:58.50 27:33.46
Maggie Bensman Anna -3:38.22 26:12.80 29:51.02
Madison Kipp Anna -41.57 26:22.40 27:03.97
Lily McCoy Upper Scioto Valley +4:52.68 31:30.80 26:38.12
Emily Byram Mississinawa Valley +3:31.32 30:11.10 26:39.78
Madison Ware Versailles +31.82 27:16.50 26:44.68
Alli Orsborne Fairlawn +1:31.49 28:29.40 26:57.91
Jase Prater Upper Scioto Valley -2:49.78 27:05.80 29:55.58
Andrew Wuebker Versailles +11.36 27:57.10 27:45.74
Ella Kohler Wapakoneta -28.33 27:46.30 28:14.63
Natalie Moeller Parkway +2:13.50 30:00.20 27:46.70
Hope Hamilton Spencerville -2:18.10 29:08.30 31:26.40
JoJo Little Upper Scioto Valley +32.45 30:51.50 30:19.05
Rehema Qudra Ponitz CTC -54.63 31:27.50 32:22.13