Piketon Invitational 2010

Piketon, OH
Hosted by Piketon

Piketon Invitational 2010 vs Piketon Invitational 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +29 324 295
Overall Average +23.08 22:53.97 22:30.89
1st-10th Place -16.30 16:39.70 16:56.00
1st-25th Place +6.68 17:24.16 17:17.48
1st-50th Place +21.56 18:02.80 17:41.24
1st-100th Place +15.74 18:52.60 18:36.86
Common Athletes -- -- 48
Ran Faster 16 32 16
Ran Season Best -- 48 48
Average Time -30.82 21:23.00 21:53.82
Median Time -1:14.00 20:16.00 21:30.00
Middle 80% Times -32.52 21:08.56 21:41.09
Top 10% Times -1:08.20 16:29.80 17:38.00
Top 25% Times -48.25 17:22.42 18:10.67
Top 50% Times -58.54 18:23.21 19:21.75
Bottom 50% Times -3.10 24:22.79 24:25.89
Bottom 25% Times +24.30 27:06.67 26:42.37
Bottom 10% Times +33.40 29:28.20 28:54.80
Average Difference -30.82 -- --
Median Difference +30.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -33.86 -- --
Top 10% Difference -40.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference -47.38 -- --
Top 25% Difference -31.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference -47.38 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -14.27 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3.37 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -10.40 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tanner Mattie Fairland -52.00 15:58.00 16:50.00
Jon Mcdonald McClain -1:49.00 16:18.00 18:07.00
Daniel Gardner Paint Valley -4:30.00 16:25.00 20:55.00
Caleb Mootispaw McClain -51.00 16:46.00 17:37.00
Brandon Magill Huntington -1:03.00 17:02.00 18:05.00
Logan Krivak Paint Valley -19.00 17:16.00 17:35.00
Scott Blubaugh Logan Elm -56.00 17:19.00 18:15.00
Dakoda Osborn Piketon -19.00 17:44.00 18:03.00
Peyton Adkins Gallia Academy -1.00 18:19.00 18:20.00
Josh Cornett Piketon -2:03.00 18:26.00 20:29.00
A.j Barnhart Chil. Southeastern -1:43.00 18:26.00 20:09.00
Chris Eltman McClain -3:15.00 18:30.00 21:45.00
Ryan Wiseman South Webster +2:22.00 20:55.00 18:33.00
Drew Roffe Minford -36.00 18:42.00 19:18.00
Taylor Hatfield Zane Trace -6.00 18:46.00 18:52.00
Robby Hinshaw Fairland +33.00 19:19.00 18:46.00
Joey Wright Logan Elm -3:07.00 18:47.00 21:54.00
Luke Cartee Chil. Southeastern +1.00 19:06.00 19:05.00
Chandler King Port. Clay -1:05.00 19:27.00 20:32.00
Kyle Johnson Portsmouth -53.00 19:36.00 20:29.00
Andrew White Port. Clay -7:45.00 19:38.00 27:23.00
Mckenna Warner Gallia Academy -1:24.00 19:45.00 21:09.00
Jordan Jackson Chil. Southeastern -2:21.00 19:54.00 22:15.00
Mark Troubaugh Logan Elm -38.00 19:54.00 20:32.00
Elisha Manley Piketon -1:59.00 19:54.00 21:53.00
Mason Osborn Piketon +44.00 20:53.00 20:09.00
Brooke Gardner Logan Elm -45.00 20:16.00 21:01.00
Brady Evans Waverly +31.00 21:00.00 20:29.00
Tenton Henson Minford -2:19.00 20:51.00 23:10.00
Megan Day Piketon +30.00 21:52.00 21:22.00
Dirk Dempsey Oak Hill +3:46.00 25:16.00 21:30.00
Tori Hutchison Fairland -35.00 21:40.00 22:15.00
Ryan Conley South Webster -11.00 21:50.00 22:01.00
Derek Edgington Logan Elm +35.00 22:26.00 21:51.00
Amber Roffe Minford -13.00 21:58.00 22:11.00
Emily Mills McD. Northwest +4.00 22:38.00 22:34.00
Karlie O'brien Piketon +2:39.00 25:15.00 22:36.00
Jade Hardman Piketon +1:55.00 25:03.00 23:08.00
Kari Taylor Oak Hill -2:05.00 23:28.00 25:33.00
Carmen Webb Fairland +2:02.00 25:45.00 23:43.00
Katie Dunlap Gallia Academy +3:29.00 28:00.00 24:31.00
Shae Carter Portsmouth -5:05.00 24:44.00 29:49.00
Sara Walker South Webster -1:00.00 25:13.00 26:13.00
Elissa Robinson Piketon +1:44.60 28:04.00 26:19.40
Storey Free Paint Valley +6:19.00 32:44.00 26:25.00
Jasmine Davis Waverly -1:37.00 26:43.00 28:20.00
Anthony Dunlap Chil. Southeastern -1:04.00 28:25.00 29:29.00
Courtney Bethel Paint Valley +35.00 30:08.00 29:33.00