Walsh Jesuit Tomahawk Run 2011

Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Hosted by Walsh Jesuit

Walsh Jesuit Tomahawk Run 2011 vs Walsh Jesuit Tomahawk Run 2014

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -152 912 1064
Overall Average -19.92 22:33.79 22:53.71
1st-10th Place -7.82 16:54.00 17:01.82
1st-25th Place -4.33 17:16.80 17:21.13
1st-50th Place -3.53 17:37.28 17:40.81
1st-100th Place +1.09 18:06.09 18:05.00
Common Athletes -- -- 76
Ran Faster -38 19 57
Ran Season Best 68 76 8
Average Time +1:19.40 22:49.26 21:29.86
Median Time +1:51.00 22:23.00 20:32.00
Middle 80% Times +1:23.16 22:33.02 21:09.86
Top 10% Times +1:24.88 19:14.25 17:49.38
Top 25% Times +1:25.86 19:39.63 18:13.77
Top 50% Times +1:41.39 20:32.00 18:50.61
Bottom 50% Times +57.41 25:06.53 24:09.12
Bottom 25% Times +32.52 26:54.68 26:22.17
Bottom 10% Times +37.35 28:57.00 28:19.65
Average Difference +1:19.40 -- --
Median Difference +4:07.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:24.53 -- --
Top 10% Difference +57.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:20.27 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:02.07 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:20.27 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:18.53 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:07.46 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +39.10 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nick Beule GlenOak +2:30.00 19:33.00 17:03.00
Josh Duffie GlenOak +1:12.00 18:47.00 17:35.00
Brandon Phillips Gilmour Academy +1:14.00 19:01.00 17:47.00
Conner Murphy Walsh Jesuit +2:48.00 20:41.00 17:53.00
Zach Devries GlenOak +1:51.00 19:48.00 17:57.00
Zach Zoloty Strongsville +2:55.00 20:56.00 18:01.00
Phil Spronz Strongsville +1:03.00 19:05.00 18:02.00
David Natoli McDonald +1:35.00 19:52.00 18:17.00
Alex Ruch Strongsville +3:47.00 22:05.00 18:18.00
Ben Davis Elyria Catholic +4:02.00 22:23.00 18:21.00
Alex Ryan Mass. Perry +1:17.00 19:39.00 18:22.00
Jacob Heid GlenOak +1:23.80 19:46.00 18:22.20
Colin Driggs Gilmour Academy +4:07.00 22:33.00 18:26.00
Keith Begue Rootstown +1:45.00 20:15.00 18:30.00
Scott Seaton-todd Mentor +5:49.80 24:24.00 18:34.20
Eric Grubaugh Perry +30.00 19:06.00 18:36.00
Matt Colpo Rootstown +1:50.00 20:33.00 18:43.00
John Bowen GlenOak +1:06.80 19:53.00 18:46.20
Ryan Seibert Gilmour Academy +1:07.00 19:55.00 18:48.00
Brody Ferris New Philadelphia +6:17.00 25:11.00 18:54.00
Patrick Walker New Philadelphia +3:00.00 21:54.00 18:54.00
Tommy Papotto St. Edward +1:08.00 20:02.00 18:54.00
Richard Underwood Roosevelt +6:25.00 25:19.00 18:54.00
Joseph Stibley Holy Name +38.80 19:48.00 19:09.20
Brady Winkler GlenOak +2:02.00 21:13.00 19:11.00
Ben Amato Elyria Catholic -7.00 19:13.00 19:20.00
Daniel Razo Harvey +2:46.00 22:00.00 19:14.00
Ben Seger GlenOak -3.00 19:30.00 19:33.00
Brian Edmond Mentor +2:27.00 21:57.00 19:30.00
Frank Quinn St. Ignatius +13.00 19:45.00 19:32.00
Patrick Kovachick Strongsville +1:41.00 21:16.00 19:35.00
Nick Daly St. Ignatius +1:24.80 21:07.00 19:42.20
Ben Bobak Mentor +41.00 20:25.00 19:44.00
Anthony Ferrell GlenOak +34.00 20:18.00 19:44.00
Brandon Bryan Perry +3:30.00 23:15.00 19:45.00
Manny Danao Elyria Catholic +4:00.00 23:55.00 19:55.00
Tom Capitena Hoban +4:07.00 24:12.00 20:05.00
Hannah Thompson GlenOak +1:04.00 21:10.00 20:06.00
Zac Tomko Walsh Jesuit -52.00 20:17.00 21:09.00
Luke Holcomb Barberton -1:11.00 20:25.00 21:36.00
Domonic Moretti Walsh Jesuit +2:00.00 22:32.00 20:32.00
Marissa Sell Perry +2:28.00 23:02.00 20:34.00
Kevin Pryatel Gilmour Academy +2:58.00 23:32.00 20:34.00
Kelly Brennan Walsh Jesuit +52.00 21:48.00 20:56.00
Caitlin Whetstone Gilmour Academy +28.00 21:36.00 21:08.00
Josh White Mass. Perry -18.00 21:22.00 21:40.00
Caleb Burdett Coventry +2:33.00 24:13.00 21:40.00
Erin Housley Rootstown +4:39.00 26:24.00 21:45.00
Evan Nichols Hoban +1:27.80 23:15.00 21:47.20
Bobbi Oakes McDonald +25.00 22:17.00 21:52.00
Dana Cassidy Aurora (Ohio) -50.00 21:54.00 22:44.00
Aiden Levitt New Philadelphia -3:32.00 22:04.00 25:36.00
Courtney Rulison Gilmour Academy +33.00 22:53.00 22:20.00
Rachel Massi Walsh Jesuit -1:22.00 22:32.00 23:54.00
Alexandria Marsinek Roosevelt -53.00 22:36.00 23:29.00
Tess Davey Hoban -1:55.00 22:54.00 24:49.00
Nick Bean Mentor +0.80 23:01.00 23:00.20
Alyssa Ritz McDonald +42.00 23:46.00 23:04.00
Simone Green Buchtel +2:22.00 25:49.00 23:27.00
Eva DiPaulo CVCA +1:13.00 24:41.00 23:28.00
Hope Wagner GlenOak +2:48.00 26:21.00 23:33.00
Danielle Nagy Elyria Catholic -2:13.00 23:34.00 25:47.00
Andrew Bissler Roosevelt +1:20.00 25:14.00 23:54.00
Ashley Elston Mentor -19.00 24:18.00 24:37.00
Molly King CVCA -1:28.00 24:23.00 25:51.00
Riley Parker Rootstown +12.00 24:51.00 24:39.00
Gabrielle Klejka Hoban -24.00 25:10.00 25:34.00
Olivia Pollack Aurora (Ohio) +3:16.00 29:26.00 26:10.00
Maren Bullock Lakewood -1:49.00 26:19.00 28:08.00
Sarah Matthiesen Lakewood +6:29.00 32:53.00 26:24.00
Nicole Miller Hoban -5.00 26:40.00 26:45.00
Riley Curran GlenOak -2:03.00 27:07.00 29:10.00
Caitlin Hawkins GlenOak +1:20.00 28:28.00 27:08.00
Lena Aprile Lakewood -1:54.00 27:11.00 29:05.00
Kayleigh Stillion New Philadelphia -2:54.00 28:24.00 31:18.00
Joshua Nadinic Perry +2:47.80 31:27.00 28:39.20