Meet Information
Coaches if you need to scratch an athlete or relay team for any reason, please email Mike Chatfield at We will try to bring in the next athlete entered for any scratches that open up a spot in the meet.
Only (or shorter) pyramid spikes will be permitted for any running or field event competitor. Spikes WILL be checked and this policy will be rigorously enforced. Thanks!
Coaches - if you have entered your team on MileSplit this season or any of the past seasons, you do not need to claim your team again - you can use your username and password from previous years to enter the meet. If you have never entered on MileSplit before, you will need to register and claim your team in order to enter the meet.
** When one coach has already entered, and it seems as if you cannot enter the opposite gender.
1. Log into the system as you.
2. Go to the meet page and click the green Enter Online button.
3. The page you get says you're already entered, but click on the blue View/Edit entry link. That will take you to the meet entries page.
4. All of the entries you see on the page are girls (or vice versa) entries, so you need to click on the blue Edit Divisions Entered link on the right. Then click on the blue Enter link for the male division(or vice versa). That will open up the male entries. Then you can proceed to enter athletes into the events
If you notice on your entries that there is a black line through their time that means that there are 16 better marks entered into that event. Please check back though as it could change due to scratches.
There are 5 prerequisites to compete in the state meet
1) Your coach must be a member of the OATCCC
2) Your school board must approve indoor track and field
3) Your coach must attend the meet with you
4) Your coach and Athletic Director must sign the verification form HERE
5) The athlete must be in the top 25 (and ties) in the performance lists
If you have met the first 2 items and you are not seeing your school listed in the performance lists you need to contact Mike Chatfield at Please do so as soon as possible so the lists will be as correct as possible
Click Green Online Entry button on the right side of this page to enter meet and online entry system
Registration help:
Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.
** When one coach has already entered, and it seems as if you cannot enter the opposite gender.
1. Log into the system as you.
2. Go to the meet page and click the green Enter Online button.
3. The page you get says you're already entered, but click on the blue View/Edit entry link. That will take you to the meet entries page.
4. All of the entries you see on the page are girls (or vice versa) entries, so you need to click on the blue Edit Divisions Entered link on the right. Then click on the blue Enter link for the male division(or vice versa). That will open up the male entries. Then you can proceed to enter athletes into the events
The OATCCC Indoor State Championships will be held at the University of Akron this year. The date of the meet is Saturday, March 8, 2014. The Division I meet will begin at 9:30 AM (DI schedule) and the Division II/III meet will begin at 3:30 PM (DII/III schedule). This meet is the Ohio Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches indoor championship meet and is only open to 2014 paid members of our association. You can download a membership form here. The coaches membership number will be required for the athlete to participate. All athletes will be required to wear school issued uniforms.
To be eligible to participate in the OATCCC indoor championships an athlete must be a competitor on a high school team where the athlete attends school. The team must be approved and recognized by the local Board of Education (check with your athletic director). All athletes from an approved high school team must meet all of the local eligibility requirements for participation just as they would for participation on any OHSAA recognized athletic teams at that school. The high school team must be coached by a Board of Education recognized coach. The coach must also be a paid member of the Ohio Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches. The coaches OATCCC membership number is required during all phases of this process. In addition, coaches must print and complete the Verification Form. No athlete will be permitted to compete if any of the previous criteria are known to have not been met, or if the official coach is not present at the meet or if any of the required "Eligibility Verification" form is not completed. This form must be signed by the high school athletic director or principal.
To qualify for participation in the championship meet any athlete (or relay team) must meet the following requirement. The athlete or relay team must be listed on the final Top 25 Performance List for each event in which they will be entered. Only athletes entered in meets with their official school name are included on the performance list. Athletes listed as unattached or coached by a team not meeting the previously stated criteria are not eligible. No club affiliated or unattached athletes will be listed or are eligible to compete. Abbreviated school names should match known abbreviations used by the OHSAA for the outdoor tournament. Abbreviated school names will not be listed if the school is unknown. Each high school team may only qualify one relay team per event.
The performance lists are generated from the results listed from predetermined qualifying meets. These meets have met standardized criteria in order to be considered a qualifying meet. The OATCCC has no say as to how any of these meets are run or as to who may enter them. In fact, in many cases these meets are "all-comers" meets that the universities use to generate revenue (that is not shared in any way with the OATCCC) for their own athletic programs. The OATCCC will search throughout the results for athletes from known eligible schools to generate the lists. Just because an athlete can enter a qualifying meet does not imply they are eligible for competition in the OATCCC Indoor State Championships. Please read above about athletes eligibility.
To enter the OATCCC Indoor State Championships the official coach of the high school team must declare their athletes on the final top 25 performance list as "eligible" and "intending to compete" on the official eligibility declaration page on this website. Although you may visit this page, it does not become active until March 3 at 6:00 AM; information entered before that time will not be stored for use. Each high school team may only enter one relay team per event. Each high school team may only enter two individuals per event. An athlete may only participate in 4 events. The entry fee is $7.00 per individual event and $20.00 per relay. Please bring a check with you to the check in.
Twenty-five performances are listed for each event because not all schools with an athlete or relay team in the top 16 will choose to compete. Therefore, all coaches should enter all of their athletes listed on the performance list, not just those in the top 16.
The eligibility declaration page will not be available until the final performance lists are posted. Once the final lists have been posted, there will be a window from 6:00 AM March 3 to 11:59pm Tuesday March 4 for the coach to declare the eligible athletes or relay teams as intending to compete. All declarations and entries must be made by Tuesday, March 12 at midnight. Failure to declare by this deadline will result in non-acceptance into the meet. Coaches can begin declaring and entering as soon as the final performance list is posted. After declaring the coach will then be directed to the entry page so they can enter the appropriate athletes into the meet. The entry will be done through the Finish Timing meet entry system.
To participate in the championships the athletes or relay teams must appear on the OATCCC State Championship official meet entries lists. The entries list will be posted no later than Thursday, March 6. Only the best 16 marks of the possible 25 entries will compete (ties will also be included). Twenty-five performances are listed for each event because not all schools in the top 16 will choose to compete. Therefore, all coaches should enter all of their athletes listed on the performance list, not just the top 16. No additions to the meet will be made after the official meet entries lists are posted (unless an athlete is accidentally left off the list through meet officials error). For example, if only 12 athletes are entered for an event by the entry deadline, then only 12 athletes will compete. The official entry list will be posted on the Thursday prior to the meet for coaches verification and to check for possible errors
Coaches if you need to scratch an athlete or relay team for any reason, please email Mike Chatfield at We will try to bring in the next athlete entered for any scratches that open up a spot in the meet.
Only (or shorter) pyramid spikes will be permitted for any running or field event competitor. Spikes WILL be checked and this policy will be rigorously enforced. Thanks!
Coaches - if you have entered your team on MileSplit this season or any of the past seasons, you do not need to claim your team again - you can use your username and password from previous years to enter the meet. If you have never entered on MileSplit before, you will need to register and claim your team in order to enter the meet.
** When one coach has already entered, and it seems as if you cannot enter the opposite gender.
1. Log into the system as you.
2. Go to the meet page and click the green Enter Online button.
3. The page you get says you're already entered, but click on the blue View/Edit entry link. That will take you to the meet entries page.
4. All of the entries you see on the page are girls (or vice versa) entries, so you need to click on the blue Edit Divisions Entered link on the right. Then click on the blue Enter link for the male division(or vice versa). That will open up the male entries. Then you can proceed to enter athletes into the events
If you notice on your entries that there is a black line through their time that means that there are 16 better marks entered into that event. Please check back though as it could change due to scratches.
There are 5 prerequisites to compete in the state meet
1) Your coach must be a member of the OATCCC
2) Your school board must approve indoor track and field
3) Your coach must attend the meet with you
4) Your coach and Athletic Director must sign the verification form HERE
5) The athlete must be in the top 25 (and ties) in the performance lists
If you have met the first 2 items and you are not seeing your school listed in the performance lists you need to contact Mike Chatfield at Please do so as soon as possible so the lists will be as correct as possible
Click Green Online Entry button on the right side of this page to enter meet and online entry system
Registration help:
Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.
** When one coach has already entered, and it seems as if you cannot enter the opposite gender.
1. Log into the system as you.
2. Go to the meet page and click the green Enter Online button.
3. The page you get says you're already entered, but click on the blue View/Edit entry link. That will take you to the meet entries page.
4. All of the entries you see on the page are girls (or vice versa) entries, so you need to click on the blue Edit Divisions Entered link on the right. Then click on the blue Enter link for the male division(or vice versa). That will open up the male entries. Then you can proceed to enter athletes into the events
The OATCCC Indoor State Championships will be held at the University of Akron this year. The date of the meet is Saturday, March 8, 2014. The Division I meet will begin at 9:30 AM (DI schedule) and the Division II/III meet will begin at 3:30 PM (DII/III schedule). This meet is the Ohio Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches indoor championship meet and is only open to 2014 paid members of our association. You can download a membership form here. The coaches membership number will be required for the athlete to participate. All athletes will be required to wear school issued uniforms.
To be eligible to participate in the OATCCC indoor championships an athlete must be a competitor on a high school team where the athlete attends school. The team must be approved and recognized by the local Board of Education (check with your athletic director). All athletes from an approved high school team must meet all of the local eligibility requirements for participation just as they would for participation on any OHSAA recognized athletic teams at that school. The high school team must be coached by a Board of Education recognized coach. The coach must also be a paid member of the Ohio Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches. The coaches OATCCC membership number is required during all phases of this process. In addition, coaches must print and complete the Verification Form. No athlete will be permitted to compete if any of the previous criteria are known to have not been met, or if the official coach is not present at the meet or if any of the required "Eligibility Verification" form is not completed. This form must be signed by the high school athletic director or principal.
To qualify for participation in the championship meet any athlete (or relay team) must meet the following requirement. The athlete or relay team must be listed on the final Top 25 Performance List for each event in which they will be entered. Only athletes entered in meets with their official school name are included on the performance list. Athletes listed as unattached or coached by a team not meeting the previously stated criteria are not eligible. No club affiliated or unattached athletes will be listed or are eligible to compete. Abbreviated school names should match known abbreviations used by the OHSAA for the outdoor tournament. Abbreviated school names will not be listed if the school is unknown. Each high school team may only qualify one relay team per event.
The performance lists are generated from the results listed from predetermined qualifying meets. These meets have met standardized criteria in order to be considered a qualifying meet. The OATCCC has no say as to how any of these meets are run or as to who may enter them. In fact, in many cases these meets are "all-comers" meets that the universities use to generate revenue (that is not shared in any way with the OATCCC) for their own athletic programs. The OATCCC will search throughout the results for athletes from known eligible schools to generate the lists. Just because an athlete can enter a qualifying meet does not imply they are eligible for competition in the OATCCC Indoor State Championships. Please read above about athletes eligibility.
To enter the OATCCC Indoor State Championships the official coach of the high school team must declare their athletes on the final top 25 performance list as "eligible" and "intending to compete" on the official eligibility declaration page on this website. Although you may visit this page, it does not become active until March 3 at 6:00 AM; information entered before that time will not be stored for use. Each high school team may only enter one relay team per event. Each high school team may only enter two individuals per event. An athlete may only participate in 4 events. The entry fee is $7.00 per individual event and $20.00 per relay. Please bring a check with you to the check in.
Twenty-five performances are listed for each event because not all schools with an athlete or relay team in the top 16 will choose to compete. Therefore, all coaches should enter all of their athletes listed on the performance list, not just those in the top 16.
The eligibility declaration page will not be available until the final performance lists are posted. Once the final lists have been posted, there will be a window from 6:00 AM March 3 to 11:59pm Tuesday March 4 for the coach to declare the eligible athletes or relay teams as intending to compete. All declarations and entries must be made by Tuesday, March 12 at midnight. Failure to declare by this deadline will result in non-acceptance into the meet. Coaches can begin declaring and entering as soon as the final performance list is posted. After declaring the coach will then be directed to the entry page so they can enter the appropriate athletes into the meet. The entry will be done through the Finish Timing meet entry system.
To participate in the championships the athletes or relay teams must appear on the OATCCC State Championship official meet entries lists. The entries list will be posted no later than Thursday, March 6. Only the best 16 marks of the possible 25 entries will compete (ties will also be included). Twenty-five performances are listed for each event because not all schools in the top 16 will choose to compete. Therefore, all coaches should enter all of their athletes listed on the performance list, not just the top 16. No additions to the meet will be made after the official meet entries lists are posted (unless an athlete is accidentally left off the list through meet officials error). For example, if only 12 athletes are entered for an event by the entry deadline, then only 12 athletes will compete. The official entry list will be posted on the Thursday prior to the meet for coaches verification and to check for possible errors