OHSAA D3 Region 9 - Youngstown 2022

Youngstown, OH

OHSAA D3 Region 9 - Youngstown 2022 vs OHSAA Division 3 Region 9 - Youngstown (Boardman) 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -23 211 234
Overall Average +18.08 20:56.65 20:38.56
1st-10th Place +13.24 16:40.32 16:27.08
1st-25th Place +16.23 17:07.72 16:51.49
1st-50th Place +13.81 17:37.03 17:23.22
1st-100th Place +11.44 18:22.46 18:11.02
Common Athletes -- -- 57
Ran Faster -37 10 47
Ran Season Best -2 1 3
Average Time +44.25 20:20.12 19:35.86
Median Time +1:05.38 19:43.60 18:38.22
Middle 80% Times +51.00 20:22.15 19:31.15
Top 10% Times +41.93 17:06.90 16:24.97
Top 25% Times +53.14 17:45.75 16:52.61
Top 50% Times +57.83 18:26.83 17:29.00
Bottom 50% Times +29.16 21:31.33 21:02.17
Bottom 25% Times +3.60 23:01.47 22:57.87
Bottom 10% Times -12.84 23:46.15 23:58.99
Average Difference +44.25 -- --
Median Difference +1:12.23 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +56.42 -- --
Top 10% Difference +27.28 -- --
Top 50% Difference +52.95 -- --
Top 25% Difference +46.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference +52.95 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +36.52 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +25.49 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -32.57 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Luke Snyder Rittman +19.74 16:05.30 15:45.56
Dominic Pappagallo Mineral Ridge +20.12 16:39.20 16:19.08
Carson Klase McDonald +1:27.08 17:57.00 16:29.92
Joey Cappuzzello McDonald +1:18.32 17:54.90 16:36.58
Jackson Varner Waynedale +32.96 17:11.70 16:38.74
Andrew Young Lake Ridge Acad. +1:29.97 18:09.90 16:39.93
Joe Fox Wellington +26.45 17:08.20 16:41.75
Lucas Sokol Jackson-Milton +1:02.37 17:50.20 16:47.83
Bryen Valerio Rittman +1:49.66 18:37.90 16:48.24
Nate Yon Lowellville +1:04.98 17:56.00 16:51.02
Jaydon Varner Waynedale +1:10.57 18:21.20 17:10.63
Wyatt Moore Waynedale +2:07.99 19:34.20 17:26.21
Josiah Toth Mineral Ridge +45.31 18:16.60 17:31.29
Xavier Campbell East Canton +33.13 18:13.00 17:39.87
Easton Miller Canton C.C. +1:21.20 19:03.70 17:42.50
Trevor Shipman Maplewood +2.05 17:46.80 17:44.75
Andrew Donaldson Maplewood +35.68 18:21.50 17:45.82
Cameron Brady Mogadore +1:21.82 19:08.60 17:46.78
Lucas Miller Waynedale +2:31.33 20:21.70 17:50.37
Sawyer Szabo Heartland Christian +1:13.66 19:08.50 17:54.84
Logan Mccartney Sal. Southern +1:06.51 19:07.90 18:01.39
Rebecca Geiss Heartland Christian +1:37.12 19:47.70 18:10.58
Ben Reese Canton C.C. +1:01.79 19:13.60 18:11.81
Carlos Cantera-Quintero Canton C.C. +22.06 18:34.80 18:12.74
Nick St. John Waynedale +38.32 18:55.20 18:16.88
Dante Navarrete Mogadore +51.17 19:08.60 18:17.43
Kaitlyn Carr Smithville +26.19 18:55.20 18:29.01
Kaden Shaffer Mineral Ridge +1:12.23 19:43.60 18:31.37
Dominick Russell Mineral Ridge +26.08 19:04.30 18:38.22
Tess Shultz Loudonville +34.13 19:20.40 18:46.27
Abbey Castle Chalker +2:40.29 21:58.40 19:18.11
Grant Eberhardt Canton C.C. -5.87 19:30.10 19:35.97
Izzie Copeland Kirtland +2:08.90 21:59.00 19:50.10
Lillith Dreibelbis Norwayne +6.28 20:16.50 20:10.22
Corinne McCall Norwayne +2:15.35 22:39.80 20:24.45
Brooke Bowlby Rittman +2:31.54 23:01.70 20:30.16
Olivia Szmania Black River +1:36.24 22:24.90 20:48.66
Ainsley Borthwick Kirtland -23.41 20:51.50 21:14.91
Emma Quillen Mogadore +54.83 21:54.10 20:59.27
Sylvia Vosicky Kirtland +57.89 22:01.10 21:03.21
Alana Santiago Mogadore +52.98 22:17.30 21:24.32
Kai Gaetjens Mogadore -51.12 21:27.60 22:18.72
Eve Kaminski Cardinal +1:53.09 23:22.40 21:29.31
Anna Pittman Waynedale -27.91 21:32.70 22:00.61
Ari Tompkins Mogadore +54.99 22:31.60 21:36.61
Kylie Flere McDonald +1:24.21 23:10.60 21:46.39
Scarlett Butler Norwayne -0.09 22:09.40 22:09.49
Kathlene McMayon Gar. Garfield -1:38.59 22:10.90 23:49.49
Jenna Perris Bristol -1:14.91 22:15.90 23:30.81
Ella Wigal Triway -2.59 22:20.60 22:23.19
Samantha Thiel Dalton +5.25 22:28.60 22:23.35
Olivia Rowe Gar. Garfield -2:11.75 22:24.10 24:35.85
Rita Domitrovich McDonald -1:02.85 22:36.50 23:39.35
Myah Lehman Dalton +41.34 23:33.90 22:52.56
Hailey Holestine East Canton +36.52 23:39.70 23:03.18
Rayla Clapper East Canton +11.96 23:24.30 23:12.34
Cora Lennington East Canton +19.92 25:26.00 25:06.08