TO PRINT CLICK ON THE BLUE WORDS -PRINTABLE VERSION ABOVE ON LEFT OATCCC Indoor State Championships Eligibility Verification Form - 2010 Print this Form - Bring it to the Meet Print and complete this form. Bring it with you to check in at the meet. This form must be signed by both the "Official Coach" and the High School Principal or Athletic Director. Coaches and schools who permit ineligible teams or athletes to complete and thereby take the entry space of an eligible team or athlete may face sanctions by the OATCCC Executive Board. Please verify that all of these requirements hold true. Your signatures will serve as proof of verification. Please bring this form to the meet with you. � You, the official coach, are a 2010 member member of the Ohio Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches and are recognized by the local Board of Education as the team's coach. � Your athletes all attend your high school. � The team is approved and recognized by the local Board of Education. � All athletes meet all of the local eligibility requirements for participation just as they would for participation on any OHSAA recognized athletic team at your school. � The athlete or relay team is listed on the final Top 25 Performance List for each event in which they will be entered. Coaches should enter all of their athletes listed on the performance list that would like to compete. Printed Coach's Name:________________________ OATCCC Membership Number:___________ (This is available at the meet. Membership is $10.00) School Name: ______________________________________ Coach's Email Address:______________________________________ Contact Numbers: (H) ____________ (S) ___________ Other _____________ Coach's Signature:________________________ Athletic Director/Principal's Signature:________________________ Note to Administrator: Parents, club coaches and any other unofficial coaches are not permitted to bring athletes to participate in the indoor championships. Do not sign this form unless the official board recognized coach is the coach listed above. No athlete will be able to participate from your school if the athlete has not meet all eligibility requirements. For further information relating to eligibility, please visit Print this page and have it signed twice, then bring it to the meet.
OATCCC Ohio State Indoor Track & Field Championship 2010
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