Clark County HS Championship 2024

Springfield, OH
Hosted by Spr. Shawnee
Timing/Results FinishTiming

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Payne, Douglas Greenon
Norman, Jayvin 11.00 Springfield
Frascone, Ayden 11.27 Tecumseh
Chadwell, Garrett 11.34 Northeastern
Gutierrez, Caleb 11.43 Kenton Ridge
Anderso-harris, Isaiah 11.52 Springfield
Boehmer, Ed 11.53 Spr. Shawnee
Meeks, TJ 11.66 Spr. Shawnee
Pettyjohn, Moel 11.71 Tecumseh
Walter, Ethan 11.76 Kenton Ridge
Romine, Ty 11.79 Spr. Northwestern
Lipscomb, Michael 11.85 Greenon
Small, Jerry 12.01 Spring. ECA
Napier, Colin 12.04 Spr. Northwestern
Thompson, Eli 12.20 Northeastern
Young, Owen 12.44h Catholic Central High School
Brown, Xavier 12.64h Catholic Central High School
Hoying, Drew 12.97 Spring. ECA
Sparks, Ryan 14.60 Tecumseh MS
Vancil, Jaeden 14.88 Tecumseh MS
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High School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keyes, Braylon 15.31 Springfield
Smith, Logan 15.33 Spr. Shawnee
SHELBY, HAKEEM 16.00 Springfield
James, Nehemiah 16.18 Spring. ECA
Murphy, Dylan 16.68 Tecumseh
Roberts, Cody 18.14 Tecumseh
Hayes, Levi 18.24 Spring. ECA
Arnold, Nick 18.36 Kenton Ridge
Zanish, Billy 18.87 Spr. Shawnee
Baker, Grant 19.43 Spr. Northwestern
Emmons, Oliver 19.53 Kenton Ridge
Bechtel, Brayden 20.07 Spr. Northwestern
Williams, Zack 21.16 Northeastern
Grubbs, Zachary 21.92 Greenon
Malone, Braden 22.43 Northeastern
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High School Boys 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Parker 4:24.42 Tecumseh
Lange, Gregory 4:31.68 Spr. Shawnee
Baggett, Caleb 4:33.45 Spring. ECA
DeRoest, Ethan 4:42.56 Northeastern
Kiess, Jonah 4:52.80 Spr. Shawnee
Duffey, Andrew 4:53.72 Greenon
Patel, Jay 4:55.69 Kenton Ridge
Mahaffey, Dominick 4:59.04 Spr. Northwestern
Schaadt, Grady 4:59.67 Spring. ECA
Wiles, Matthew 5:04.12 Greenon
Adkins, Cameron 5:05.49 Northeastern
Dellapina, Peter 5:08.13 Springfield
Leach, Aiden 5:09.59 Springfield
Palmer, Justin 5:10.49 Kenton Ridge
Porr, Kaleb 5:16.00 S. Char. SE
Fitzsimmons, Braedon 5:21.18 Spr. Northwestern
Teglas, Logan 5:49.99 Tecumseh
Stiles, Trenton 5:59.04 S. Char. SE
Doane, Jasen 7:10.95 Tecumseh MS
Hilderbrand, Patrick 7:23.29 Tecumseh MS
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High School Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chadwell, Garrett 22.71 Northeastern
Frascone, Ayden 23.13 Tecumseh
Collier, Logan 23.39 Spr. Shawnee
Gutierrez, Caleb 23.82 Kenton Ridge
Bishop, Brock 24.11 Spr. Northwestern
Brodess, Isaac 24.19 Greenon
Bibbs, John 24.27 Springfield
Roberts, Vincent 24.28 Springfield
Lipscomb, Michael 24.35 Greenon
Romine, Ty 24.38 Spr. Northwestern
Leffel, Parker 24.55 Kenton Ridge
Meeks, TJ 24.82 Spr. Shawnee
Small, Jerry 25.06 Spring. ECA
Perkins, Owen 25.22 Tecumseh
Blaine, Derek 25.49 Tecumseh MS
Cordell, Connor 25.64h Catholic Central High School
Hoying, Drew 25.98 Spring. ECA
Young, Owen 26.24h Catholic Central High School
Smith, Caleb 26.47 Northeastern
Betts, Ethan 26.80 S. Char. SE
Taulbee, Chase 26.84 S. Char. SE
Sparks, Ryan 30.96 Tecumseh MS
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High School Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keyes, Braylon 40.59 Springfield
Smith, Logan 40.92 Spr. Shawnee
Murphy, Dylan 42.44 Tecumseh
Readler, Aiden 44.52 Kenton Ridge
Baker, Grant 45.06 Spr. Northwestern
Hayes, Levi 45.65 Spring. ECA
Stump, Johnathan 46.47 Tecumseh
Zanish, Billy 47.03 Spr. Shawnee
Bechtel, Brayden 47.90 Spr. Northwestern
Emmons, Oliver 47.94 Kenton Ridge
Moraleja, Logan 48.50 S. Char. SE
Cordell, Connor 48.54h Catholic Central High School
Hepp, Treyvon 49.06 Spring. ECA
Williams, Zack 49.89 Northeastern
Grubbs, Zachary 49.95 Greenon
Thomas, Maurice 54.84h Catholic Central High School
Malone, Braden 56.74 Northeastern
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High School Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DeRoest, Ethan 10:18.39 Northeastern
Schaadt, Grady 10:44.78 Spring. ECA
Walls, Braylon 10:51.62 Spring. ECA
Wiles, Matthew 10:54.55 Greenon
Adkins, Cameron 10:55.86 Northeastern
Sharbaugh, Micah 11:07.29 Tecumseh
Peters, Grant 11:09.79 Spr. Shawnee
Patel, Jay 11:22.59 Kenton Ridge
Leach, Aiden 11:39.43 Springfield
Marstella, Avery 12:00.46 Springfield
Porr, Kaleb 12:20.56 S. Char. SE
Adams, Carter 12:25.45 Spr. Shawnee
Kegley, Landon 12:34.03 Spr. Northwestern
Thomas, Aiden 12:43.77 Kenton Ridge
Grieser, AJ 13:16.90 Spr. Northwestern
Jackson, Parker 9:35.71 Tecumseh
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High School Boys 400 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Payne, Douglas Greenon
Welch, Josh 1:03.37 Northeastern
Jamison, William 1:05.85 Tecumseh MS
Juarez, Bruno 1:07.34h Catholic Central High School
Collier, Logan 50.16 Spr. Shawnee
Howard, Skyaqui (Sky) 51.84 Kenton Ridge
Chadwell, Garrett 51.84 Northeastern
Brodess, Isaac 52.48 Greenon
Alvarado, Angel 53.84 Tecumseh
Bishop, Brock 54.10 Spr. Northwestern
Weller, Garrett 54.20 Spr. Shawnee
Hamstra, Christian 54.80 Spring. ECA
Chapman, Devon 55.27 Springfield
Connor, Jay 55.90 Spring. ECA
Howard, Keonahae (Keo) 55.91 Kenton Ridge
Botello, Jaime 56.60 Tecumseh
Roberts, Vincent 56.63 Springfield
Mahaffey, Dominick 56.90 Spr. Northwestern
Frederick, Hayden 58.44h Catholic Central High School
Coffey, Trace 59.80 S. Char. SE
Blaine, Derek 59.86 Tecumseh MS
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High School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.60 Kenton Ridge
Relay Team A 45.00 Springfield
Relay Team A 45.00 Spr. Shawnee
Relay Team A 46.61 Tecumseh
Relay Team A 46.94h Catholic Central High School
Relay Team A 47.03 Spring. ECA
Relay Team A 47.57 Spr. Northwestern
Relay Team A 50.34 Greenon
Relay Team A 52.10h S. Char. SE
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High School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:32.43 Springfield
Relay Team A 1:34.57 Kenton Ridge
Relay Team A 1:36.18 Spring. ECA
Relay Team A 1:39.01 Spr. Northwestern
Relay Team A 1:41.69 Spr. Shawnee
Relay Team A 1:42.05 Tecumseh
Relay Team A 1:42.60 Catholic Central High School
Relay Team A 1:44.30 Greenon
Relay Team A 1:46.74 S. Char. SE
Relay Team A 2:01.54 Northeastern
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High School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Catholic Central High School
Relay Team A 3:30.81 Springfield
Relay Team A 3:35.86 Spr. Shawnee
Relay Team A 3:37.18 Greenon
Relay Team A 3:37.63 Kenton Ridge
Relay Team A 3:39.14 Spring. ECA
Relay Team A 3:45.10 Tecumseh
Relay Team A 3:46.29 Spr. Northwestern
Relay Team A 3:59.88 Northeastern
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High School Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:05.18 S. Char. SE
Relay Team A 8:42.22 Kenton Ridge
Relay Team A 8:46.10 Spring. ECA
Relay Team A 8:47.37 Springfield
Relay Team A 8:49.42 Spr. Shawnee
Relay Team A 9:27.50 Spr. Northwestern
Relay Team A 9:39.76 Tecumseh
Relay Team A 9:48.46 Northeastern
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High School Boys 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cox, Braydon 1:59.15 Kenton Ridge
Jackson, Parker 2:00.65 Tecumseh
Howard, Skyaqui (Sky) 2:03.94 Kenton Ridge
Kiess, Jonah 2:04.44 Spr. Shawnee
Pinkleton, Alex 2:08.37 Spring. ECA
Whetstone, Elijah 2:08.76 Spring. ECA
Austin, Randy 2:09.65 Springfield
Duffey, Andrew 2:11.91 Greenon
Woods, Josh 2:12.64 Springfield
Smith, Peyton 2:17.48 Spr. Shawnee
Schumann, Roscoe 2:17.54 Greenon
Frascone, Gavin 2:21.92 Tecumseh
Berner, Devin 2:26.76 Tecumseh MS
Weinkauf-Arnold, Gabe 2:27.05 Spr. Northwestern
Fitzsimmons, Braedon 2:27.20 Spr. Northwestern
Frederick, Hayden 2:30.60 Catholic Central High School
Hodge, Isaiah 2:34.63 Northeastern
Branham, Logan 2:38.61 Tecumseh MS
Stiles, Trenton 2:41.64 S. Char. SE
Phillips, Jonathan (Trevor) 2:54.64 Northeastern
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High School Boys Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gillam, Brady 159-7 Northeastern
Dixon, Darian 153-9 Spr. Shawnee
SOTHARD, PARKER 148-2 Springfield
Taylor, Andrew 145-2 Spr. Northwestern
Harris, Drew 139-10 Northeastern
Craig, Caiden 137-4 Spr. Shawnee
Haertling, Nathan 129-10 Greenon
Black, Simon 123-0 Spr. Northwestern
Kern - Dubois, Christian 115-10 Springfield
Howard, Arion 109-8 Greenon
Taulbee, Chase 108-6 S. Char. SE
Stacy, Cooper 105-0 Kenton Ridge
Carrier, Judah 102-3 Spring. ECA
Sign, Mason 100-5 Kenton Ridge
Gantz, Tucker 88-0 Tecumseh
Betts, Ethan 83-10 S. Char. SE
Carnes, Parker 76-10 Tecumseh
Meisner, Mason 75-5 Spring. ECA
Hilderbrand, Patrick 55-2.5 Tecumseh MS
Colquitt, Melvin 50-2 Catholic Central High School
Rice, Eli 47-2.5 Tecumseh MS
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High School Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stapleton, Darrien 6-4 Springfield
Fultz, Ross 6-1 Spr. Northwestern
James, Nehemiah 5-10 Spring. ECA
Dingeman, Kyle 5-8 Spr. Shawnee
Pettyjohn, Moel 5-8 Tecumseh
Woods, Josh 5-8 Springfield
Parker, Braylon 5-6 Spr. Northwestern
Williams, Zack 5-6 Northeastern
Berner, Devin 5-4 Tecumseh MS
Roberts, Cody 5-4 Tecumseh
Fowles, Bryson 5-2 Spr. Shawnee
Hoying, Drew 5-0 Spring. ECA
Shockey, Mason 5-0 Northeastern
Cordell, Connor Catholic Central High School
Colquitt, Melvin Catholic Central High School
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High School Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boehmer, Ed 21-5.75 Spr. Shawnee
Arnold, Nick 19-10 Kenton Ridge
Stapleton, Darrien 19-8 Springfield
Oriebo, Kenyon 19-7.5 Spr. Shawnee
Fissel, Lucas 19-5 Spr. Northwestern
Fultz, Ross 19-1.75 Spr. Northwestern
Olvera, Neftali 19-1 Tecumseh
Anderso-harris, Isaiah 18-7.5 Springfield
Perkins, Owen 18-6.75 Tecumseh
Leffel, Parker 18-2.5 Kenton Ridge
Pinkleton, Alex 18-2 Spring. ECA
Berner, Devin 17-8.25 Tecumseh MS
Roberts, Adam 17-6.75 Northeastern
Nixon, Tanner 17-1 Spring. ECA
Cordell, Connor 16-11.25 Catholic Central High School
Blaine, Derek 16-2 Tecumseh MS
Eidsen, Caden 14-10 Northeastern
Colquitt, Melvin Catholic Central High School
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High School Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Eli 14-6 Northeastern
ELLIOTT, PJ 12-6 Springfield
Chadwell, Garrett 12-0 Northeastern
Weller, Garrett 11-0 Spr. Shawnee
Fansler, Andrew (Drew) 10-0 Kenton Ridge
Nixon, Tanner 10-0 Spring. ECA
Driskill, Grant 9-0 Spr. Shawnee
Black, Simon 8-6 Spr. Northwestern
Beaver, Emmett 8-6 Spr. Northwestern
Troutwine, Isaac 8-6 Spring. ECA
Viney, Keelan 8-0 Springfield
Curtis, Phillip 7-6 Tecumseh
Brown, Luke 7-0 Kenton Ridge
Garcia, Jordan Tecumseh
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High School Boys Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dixon, Darian 53-4 Spr. Shawnee
Haertling, Nathan 49-6 Greenon
Estep, Crew 49-1.25 Spr. Northwestern
Taylor, Andrew 47-4.5 Spr. Northwestern
Gillam, Brady 46-8.75 Northeastern
Bumgardner, Brady 44-2.5 Spr. Shawnee
SOTHARD, PARKER 43-3 Springfield
Carrier, Judah 42-10.5 Spring. ECA
Harris, Drew 40-6 Northeastern
Kern - Dubois, Christian 39-4 Springfield
Gantz, Tucker 38-6 Tecumseh
Bledsoe, Connor 35-6.5 Tecumseh
Howard, Arion 34-1 Greenon
Hynes, Kameron 32-6 Kenton Ridge
BRIEN, AJ 31-7 Kenton Ridge
Meisner, Mason 26-6.5 Spring. ECA
Collier, Michael 26-6 S. Char. SE
Colquitt, Melvin 25-3.5 Catholic Central High School
Caldwell, Cole 25-0 S. Char. SE
Rice, Eli 19-9.12 Tecumseh MS
Hilderbrand, Patrick 18-5.5 Tecumseh MS
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High School Girls 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coleman, Shanya 12.44 Kenton Ridge
Foreman, Ella 12.87 Spr. Shawnee
Jones, Kennedi 13.10 Springfield
Mccann, Kam 13.24 Springfield
Gaulden, Nyla 13.25 Kenton Ridge
Freeze, Alaina 13.34 Spr. Northwestern
Glaze, Arianna 13.69 Spring. ECA
Spencer, Kelsey 13.73 Spr. Northwestern
Hartley, Kara 13.88 Greenon
Ward, Amber 13.90 Tecumseh
Tawiah, Eryanna 14.04h Catholic Central High School
Shafer, Aubri 14.05 Greenon
Wilson, Alayla 14.06 Spr. Shawnee
Stout, Avery 14.17 S. Char. SE
Sagraves, Cailyn 14.27 Tecumseh
Jeffers, Kassidy 14.44h Catholic Central High School
Curtain, Ryleigh 15.51 S. Char. SE
Allen, Karissa 15.61 Spring. ECA
Huffman, Emma 17.19 Northeastern
Bereczky, Gabrielle 17.44 Tecumseh MS
Allen, Chasity 17.79 Tecumseh MS
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High School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mattern, Addison 16.87 Spr. Shawnee
Morris, Tia 17.06 Kenton Ridge
Fowler, Bella 17.42 Tecumseh
Jamison, Sophia 18.51 Tecumseh
Victor, Angela 18.53 Spring. ECA
O'Callaghan, Kaitlyn 18.55 Spr. Northwestern
dennis-gaines, Taeler 19.48 Springfield
Bonifay, Lyvi 19.50 S. Char. SE
Guevara, Reina 19.91 Springfield
Davis, Corah 20.08 Spr. Shawnee
Barker, Kylie 20.12 Greenon
Gray, Makenna 20.22 Kenton Ridge
Rathbun, Abigail 20.25 Greenon
Connor, Jen 20.72 Spring. ECA
Shilt, Naomie 22.15 Tecumseh MS
Nicholson, Shelby 22.66 S. Char. SE
Peterson, Alexandra (Allie) 23.29 Northeastern
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High School Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Billet, Kaylee 5:29.42 S. Char. SE
Clark, Ruby 5:33.96 Greenon
Derr, Lola 5:46.79 Spr. Shawnee
Snider, Alivia 5:55.29 Tecumseh
Frederiksen, Anna 5:56.78 Greenon
Faust, Maggie 6:02.60 Northeastern
Short, Gracie 6:07.52 Spr. Shawnee
Hayes, Kensie 6:17.34 Spr. Northwestern
Highlen, Bella 6:18.83 Spr. Northwestern
Pauley, Meredith 6:41.52 Kenton Ridge
Flax, Lauren 6:51.76 S. Char. SE
krauss, kairi 6:56.24 Springfield
Hawley, Cara 6:57.08 Northeastern
Chafin, Mackenzie 7:16.13 Tecumseh
Hellwig, Ellie 7:23.43 Kenton Ridge
Mendoza, Juliet 8:09.50 Tecumseh MS
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High School Girls 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Renee Tecumseh
Coleman, Shanya 26.32 Kenton Ridge
Foreman, Ella 26.87 Spr. Shawnee
Glaze, Arianna 27.20 Spring. ECA
Gaulden, Nyla 27.37 Kenton Ridge
Jones, Kennedi 27.88 Springfield
Freeze, Alaina 28.15 Spr. Northwestern
Scott, Kailyn 28.23 Spr. Northwestern
davis, solyce 28.23 Springfield
Clevenger, Madison 28.45 Greenon
Ward, Amber 28.64 Tecumseh
Stout, Avery 28.68 S. Char. SE
Stevens, Madeline 28.94 Spr. Shawnee
Hartley, Kara 29.46 Greenon
Tawiah, Eryanna 29.94h Catholic Central High School
Haggy, Isabella 30.27 Northeastern
Jeffers, Kassidy 30.34h Catholic Central High School
Freeman, Corrine 33.20 Spring. ECA
South, Ava 34.27 S. Char. SE
Huffman, Emma 35.31 Northeastern
Bereczky, Gabrielle 37.25 Tecumseh MS
Allen, Chasity 39.64 Tecumseh MS
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High School Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barker, Kylie 1:00.42 Greenon
Rathbun, Abigail 1:01.07 Greenon
Bonifay, Lyvi 1:01.23 S. Char. SE
Bagi, Ardyn 1:03.23 Kenton Ridge
Fultz, Kennedy 1:04.49 Spr. Northwestern
Peterson, Alexandra (Allie) 1:04.92 Northeastern
Nicholson, Shelby 1:11.25 S. Char. SE
Shilt, Naomie 39:12.00 Tecumseh MS
Victor, Angela 50.63 Spring. ECA
Fowler, Bella 51.37 Tecumseh
Mattern, Addison 52.49 Spr. Shawnee
dennis-gaines, Taeler 53.23 Springfield
Davis, Corah 53.56 Spr. Shawnee
Braddy-Crockran, Thalia 54.26 Springfield
O'Callaghan, Kaitlyn 56.33 Spr. Northwestern
Connor, Jen 57.47 Spring. ECA
Lopez, Bella 57.74h Catholic Central High School
Kennedy, Hannah 57.94 Tecumseh
Gray, Makenna 58.21 Kenton Ridge
Campbell, Arianna 58.86 Northeastern
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High School Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chilcote, Reese Spr. Shawnee
Clark, Ruby 11:50.82 Greenon
Kottmyer, Sara 12:34.08 Tecumseh
Faust, Maggie 13:16.70 Northeastern
Rosenbaum, Meghan 13:21.23 Spr. Northwestern
Short, Gracie 13:23.10 Spr. Shawnee
Thorpe, Avery 13:36.87 Greenon
Sharbaugh, Mackenna 14:35.93 Tecumseh
McPeek, Cara 15:00.71 Spr. Northwestern
Hellwig, Ellie 17:03.03 Kenton Ridge
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High School Girls 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pollock, Lauren 1:03.37 Spr. Northwestern
Ward, Amber 1:04.31 Tecumseh
Wilson, Sophie 1:05.87 S. Char. SE
Rutan, Claire 1:06.67 Spr. Shawnee
Stout, Avery 1:06.70 S. Char. SE
Clevenger, Madison 1:06.88 Greenon
Aills, Olivia 1:07.97 Spr. Northwestern
Johnson, Alayjah 1:08.27 Springfield
Judy, Reagan 1:08.41 Northeastern
Houseman, Gabi 1:08.61 Spr. Shawnee
davis, solyce 1:08.79 Springfield
LeMaster, Llona 1:08.85 Kenton Ridge
Gainer, Jovie 1:09.78 Spring. ECA
Haggy, Isabella 1:11.74 Northeastern
Martin, Isabella 1:11.96 Tecumseh
Miller, Marley 1:12.37 Kenton Ridge
Rorrer, Lydia 1:12.83 Greenon
Jeffers, Keera 1:12.94h Catholic Central High School
Lopez, Bella 1:13.64h Catholic Central High School
Rue, Lydia 1:17.59 Spring. ECA
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High School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.05 Spring. ECA
Relay Team A 1:04.49 S. Char. SE
Relay Team A 1:15.84 Tecumseh MS
Relay Team A 51.42 Springfield
Relay Team A 51.94 Kenton Ridge
Relay Team A 54.10 Spr. Shawnee
Relay Team A 55.65 Spr. Northwestern
Relay Team A 56.47 Tecumseh
Relay Team A 56.54h Catholic Central High School
Relay Team A 56.81 Greenon
Relay Team A 57.25 Northeastern
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High School Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:50.84 Kenton Ridge
Relay Team A 1:50.92 Spr. Shawnee
Relay Team A 1:50.92 Springfield
Relay Team A 1:57.41 Spr. Northwestern
Relay Team A 1:58.46 Greenon
Relay Team A 1:59.94 S. Char. SE
Relay Team A 2:00.73 Spring. ECA
Relay Team A 2:01.70 Catholic Central High School
Relay Team A 2:03.29 Tecumseh
Relay Team A 2:26.65 Tecumseh MS
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High School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:27.95 Spring. ECA
Relay Team A 4:35.35 Spr. Shawnee
Relay Team A 4:36.24 Greenon
Relay Team A 4:36.89 Spr. Northwestern
Relay Team A 4:42.99 Springfield
Relay Team A 4:44.98 Tecumseh
Relay Team A 4:46.76 Kenton Ridge
Relay Team A 4:55.60 S. Char. SE
Relay Team A 5:00.04 Northeastern
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High School Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:59.10 Spring. ECA
Relay Team A 11:01.92 Greenon
Relay Team A 11:19.31 Spr. Northwestern
Relay Team A 11:31.40 Spr. Shawnee
Relay Team A 11:38.26 S. Char. SE
Relay Team A 11:40.04 Tecumseh
Relay Team A 12:03.75 Kenton Ridge
Relay Team A 12:32.12 Northeastern
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High School Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scurlock, Shay Spring. ECA
Pollock, Lauren 2:31.66 Spr. Northwestern
Derr, Lola 2:31.93 Spr. Shawnee
LeMaster, Llona 2:36.17 Kenton Ridge
Billet, Kaylee 2:36.27 S. Char. SE
Witherow, Jillian 2:37.02 Spring. ECA
Sagraves, Cameryn 2:37.57 Tecumseh
Wildermuth, Eva 2:38.95 Kenton Ridge
Hayes, Kensie 2:42.28 Spr. Northwestern
Campbell, Amelia 2:43.84 Greenon
Dean, Manica 2:45.18 Springfield
Anderson, LaKyah 2:46.61 Springfield
Zaragoza, Andrea 2:46.88 Tecumseh MS
Peterson, Miya 2:56.56 Spr. Shawnee
Aukerman, Jaydlynn 2:57.94 Greenon
Waddle, Sarah 3:01.66 S. Char. SE
Sebastian, Hadley 3:06.25 Northeastern
Hajnik, Ryan 3:13.50 Northeastern
Willoughby, Jordan 3:15.52 Tecumseh
O'Dell, Kaelyn 3:16.84 Tecumseh MS
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High School Girls Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark-crowley, Tahjaie 133-4 Springfield
Scott, Taylor 125-6 Spr. Northwestern
Wooster, Shania 118-9 Springfield
Bonifay, Layni 96-7 S. Char. SE
Smoot, Jordyn 95-8 Catholic Central High School
Jones, Rosalee 94-7 Spring. ECA
Graham, Cody 93-1 Spr. Shawnee
Paugh, Sophie 92-5 Northeastern
Henry, Emma 90-4 Greenon
Stacy, Kenzie 87-0 Kenton Ridge
Morgan, Aari 83-8 Spr. Shawnee
Smith, Kaylee 80-5 Greenon
Stringer, Molly 80-1 Spr. Northwestern
O'Laughlin, Hannah 77-2 S. Char. SE
Lawrence, Mya 74-8 Spring. ECA
Johnson, Kennedy 74-5 Tecumseh
Gantz, Kenzie 68-3 Tecumseh
Sartin, Jayla 67-2 Northeastern
Rowland, Infinity 66-7 Kenton Ridge
Marin, Sheila 48-5.5 Tecumseh MS
Franks, Elizabeth 43-10 Tecumseh MS
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High School Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Tierra 5-4 Springfield
Christian, Alyssa 5-3 Spr. Northwestern
Aills, Olivia 5-1 Spr. Northwestern
Lookabaugh, Cassidy 4-10 Northeastern
Fields, Serenity 4-9 Kenton Ridge
Reilley, Izzy 4-6 Tecumseh
Schlueter, Tori 4-6 Spring. ECA
Stevens, Madeline 4-4 Spr. Shawnee
Campbell, Amelia 4-4 Greenon
Graham, Cody 4-0 Spr. Shawnee
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High School Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foreman, Ella 16-4 Spr. Shawnee
Fields, Serenity 15-2.5 Kenton Ridge
Tawiah, Eryanna 15-0.5 Catholic Central High School
Wilson, Alayla 14-11.75 Spr. Shawnee
Aills, Olivia 14-10 Spr. Northwestern
Kennedy, Hannah 14-8 Tecumseh
Wilson, Sophie 14-6 S. Char. SE
Zaragoza, Andrea 14-5.5 Tecumseh MS
Mccann, Kam 14-5 Springfield
Lopez, Bella 14-0.5 Catholic Central High School
Hobson, Olive 13-9 Greenon
Tillman, Jaylyn 13-7 Tecumseh
Gray, Makenna 13-1.25 Kenton Ridge
Schlueter, Tori 12-6 Spring. ECA
Fultz, Kennedy 12-5.25 Spr. Northwestern
Hawley, Cara 11-6 Northeastern
Mathews, Aliyah 11-3 Springfield
Campbell, Shelby 10-7 Spring. ECA
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High School Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mathews, Makayla 10-0 Springfield
Mattern, Addison 9-6 Spr. Shawnee
Rodriguez, Magnolia 9-6 Spr. Shawnee
Freeze, Alaina 9-6 Spr. Northwestern
Rathbun, Abigail 9-0 Greenon
Getz, Ellen 8-6 Spr. Northwestern
Brown, Jayleigh 8-6 Kenton Ridge
Kouts, Katie 8-0 Tecumseh
Houghton, Anna 7-6 Greenon
Witherow, Jillian 7-6 Spring. ECA
Hoying, Kaitlyn 7-6 Spring. ECA
Fields, Serenity 7-0 Kenton Ridge
Campbell, Arianna 7-0 Northeastern
Haggy, Isabella 6-0 Northeastern
Musgrove, Paeten Tecumseh
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High School Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark-crowley, Tahjaie 40-3.25 Springfield
Scott, Taylor 37-9.5 Spr. Northwestern
Henry, Emma 35-1.5 Greenon
Robinson, Kayla 34-9.5 Springfield
Smith, Kaylee 30-11.5 Greenon
Brown, Jayleigh 30-6 Kenton Ridge
Bonifay, Layni 30-5 S. Char. SE
Lawrence, Mya 29-1 Spring. ECA
Paugh, Sophie 28-9 Northeastern
Stringer, Molly 28-3.5 Spr. Northwestern
Morgan, Aari 28-1 Spr. Shawnee
Barger, Makenna 27-3.5 S. Char. SE
Hess, Kaylee 25-9.5 Kenton Ridge
Sartin, Jayla 25-3 Northeastern
Berner, Scout 24-4 Tecumseh
Jones, Rosalee 24-1 Spring. ECA
Fullenkamp, Madison 24-0 Tecumseh
Steinecker, Teagen 23-11 Spr. Shawnee
Plantz, Peyton 23-3 Tecumseh MS
Marin, Sheila 19-4 Tecumseh MS
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