Review the top 25 performances produced by Ohioans in all events from the period of January 17th to January 23rd.
Review the top 25 performances produced by Ohioans in all events from the period of January 17th to January 23rd.
The MileSplit Ohio team made it to seven on-site coverages last week. View meet results from those stops plus all other meets taking place throughout the state.
Watch videos from the Ohio State University Buckeye High School Qualifier Meet No. 2, hosted at the French Fieldhouse.
View photos from the Buckeye High School Qualifier No. 2, hosted by Ohio State University.

View complete meet results from Saturday's Ohio State University Buckeye Qualifier No. 2.
The MileSplit Ohio team will be dispersed throughout the state this weekend for featured indoor season track and field coverage.
View video highlights from last week's Ohio State Buckeye High School Qualifier Meet No. 1.