OHSAA State Championship 1991 vs OHSAA State Championship 1992

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +2 125 123
Overall Average +11.09 17:24.92 17:13.83
1st-10th Place +13.12 15:38.83 15:25.71
1st-25th Place +6.59 15:48.96 15:42.37
1st-50th Place +7.94 16:01.10 15:53.16
1st-100th Place +8.07 16:52.90 16:44.83
Common Athletes -- -- 38
Ran Faster -24 7 31
Ran Season Best -1 37 38
Average Time +19.34 17:25.68 17:06.34
Median Time +12.00 16:32.00 16:20.00
Middle 80% Times +18.79 17:27.27 17:08.48
Top 10% Times +22.60 15:34.33 15:11.73
Top 25% Times +21.56 15:50.53 15:28.97
Top 50% Times +20.24 16:05.12 15:44.88
Bottom 50% Times +18.44 18:46.24 18:27.79
Bottom 25% Times +16.30 19:24.10 19:07.80
Bottom 10% Times +19.75 19:35.25 19:15.50
Average Difference +19.34 -- --
Median Difference +28.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +18.49 -- --
Top 10% Difference +19.73 -- --
Top 50% Difference +19.24 -- --
Top 25% Difference +14.56 -- --
Top 50% Difference +19.24 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +19.44 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +21.08 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +30.95 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
J.j. White Dublin +26.40 15:31.40 15:05.00
Jason Rexing Pick. Central +1:01.10 16:10.00 15:08.90
Josh Ritchie Walsh Jesuit +18.00 15:34.00 15:16.00
Jim Bournes Whitmer +24.00 15:41.00 15:17.00
Doug Bockensette LaSalle +51.00 16:09.00 15:18.00
Brian Hesson Caldwell +10.50 15:30.90 15:20.40
Jason Vensel Caldwell +15.70 16:00.00 15:44.30
Ryan Kitzmiller Maplewood +25.00 16:14.00 15:49.00
Jason Izworski Cloverleaf -9.00 15:50.00 15:59.00
Matt Shady Olentangy +23.90 16:19.00 15:55.10
Rob Welch Wayne Trace +4.00 16:00.00 15:56.00
Matt Curry Pleasant +35.00 16:32.00 15:57.00
Danny Hayes Caldwell +29.00 16:27.00 15:58.00
Lance Beck Northmont -4.00 15:59.00 16:03.00
Thomas Brasted Bay +31.00 16:31.00 16:00.00
Jim Nau Elder +9.00 16:10.00 16:01.00
Matt Siefker Columbus Grove +9.00 16:11.00 16:02.00
Nate Norris Elyria Catholic +28.00 16:32.00 16:04.00
Tyler Small Arcanum +15.00 16:34.00 16:19.00
Andy Madell Clyde +8.00 16:28.00 16:20.00
Krik Woods Napoleon -2.00 16:20.00 16:22.00
Erich Koenig Granville +16.00 16:37.00 16:21.00
Amy McKinley Steele +28.40 18:24.30 17:55.90
Emily Hood Thom. Worthington +35.00 18:42.00 18:07.00
Katie Mcgregor Will. South +40.00 18:56.00 18:16.00
Nancy Hood Thom. Worthington +51.00 19:21.00 18:30.00
Sara Poeppelman Versailles +40.80 19:28.00 18:47.20
Brandi Sabino Woodridge +5.20 18:56.20 18:51.00
Allison Mulcahy Kenston +40.00 19:37.00 18:57.00
Jamie King Botkins -3.00 18:58.00 19:01.00
Gretchen Weiher Toledo C.C. -6.00 18:58.00 19:04.00
Paulieanna Anthony Greenville +13.00 19:15.00 19:02.00
Kelly Irwin Columbus Grove +23.00 19:26.00 19:03.00
Bobbi McClead Mad. Comprehensive -10.00 19:05.00 19:15.00
Jenny Sprowls Middletown +14.00 19:23.00 19:09.00
Heather Eubanks National Trail -4.00 19:10.00 19:14.00
Amanda Mueller David Anderson +19.00 19:30.00 19:11.00
Julie Harrison Lakota +24.00 19:46.00 19:22.00